Watkins SOR Hot Tub User Manual

Water Quality and Maintenance Page 23
The SPA FROG WaterCare system is comprised of the following products:
TThhee SSPPAA FFRROOGG mmiinneerraall ccaarrttrriiddggee
that introduces minerals into the spa water, inhibiting bacteria growth. When combined with MPS it
oxidizes particulates in the spa water.
is the only recommended sanitizer that will work in conjunction with the Spa Frog mineral cartridge in
this system.
MMoonnooppeerrssuullffaattee ((MMPPSS))
is an oxidizing chemical used to prevent the buildup of contaminants, maximize sanitizer efficiency, and improve
water clarity.
III high output ozone system uses Corona Discharge technology to produce a high concentration of
ozone, which is injected into the spa water.
NNOOTTEE:: RReeffeerr ttoo yyoouurr SSPPAA FFRROOGG OOwwnneerrss MMaannuuaall ffoorr ssttaarrtt--uupp aanndd ooppeerraattiioonnss iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss.. TThhee oowwnneerrss mmaannuuaall iiss iinncclluuddeedd wwiitthh tthhee SSPPAA
FFRROOGG ssttaarrtteerr kkiitt..
It is important to follow the recommended application and maintenance programs outlined for each product’s use. If the spa is being used over an
extended period of time, such as a whole afternoon or evening, additional sanitizer will be needed.
A weekly“shock treatment”is required. The shock treatment quickly destroys any remaining contaminants while revitalizing the bromine in the
To weekly “shock treat” your spa you may use MPS (sodium dichlor may also be used). Sodium dichlor may be a more appropriate weekly shock
for those users that experience heavy bather load conditions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: MPS is an oxidizer, not a sanitizer.
The SPA FROG bromine cartridge should be replaced every 2-4 weeks, depending on User Load. The SPA FROG mineral cartridge should be
replaced every 4 months. When replacing the mineral cartridge, it is highly recommended that the spa be drained and refilled at the same time.
After refilling the spa with water, balance the Total Alkalinity (A), Calcium Hardness (CH) and pH to the recommended levels. Shock the spa by
adding MPS.
To replace SPA FROG cartridges, follow these steps:
1. Turn off power to the spa.
2. Unscrew SPA FROG cap on top edge of spa.
3. Turn handle counter-clockwise.
4. Lift cartridge holder up and out of spa.
5. Turn top cap of mineral cartridge to setting #6 (The mineral cartridge should last 4 months.) Turn top cap of bromine cartridge to setting #7.
Adjust bromine cartridge setting down by one setting each day until a residual of 1.0 - 2.0 ppm level of bromine is established. (The
bromine cartridge should last 2-4 weeks.)
6. Snap bromine cartridge in at bottom of holder and mineral cartridge on top.
It is important that the bromine cartridge is on bottom; otherwise, the bromine cartridge could be dispensed prematurely.
Ideal Range (ppm) What Chemicals to Use
Steps Minimum Maximum To Raise To Lower
1 Total Alkalinity 125 150 Sodium Hydrogen Sodium Bisulfate
Carbonate, or
Sodium Bicarbonate
2 Calcium Hardness 150 200 Calcium Hardness Use a mixture of
Increaser 75% hard water
and 25% soft water
or use a Stain and
Scale Inhibitor
3 pH 7.4 7.6 Sodium Hydrogen Sodium Bisulfate
4 Sanitizer See section on Maintaining the Sanitizer Level