Troy-Bilt 640C Tiller User Manual

,_ WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaningor servicing the machine,shut off engine,wait for all
moving partsto come to a complete stop, disconnectspark plug wireand move wire awayfrom
spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions canresult in serious personalinjury or property
3. Cleanaround the oil dipstick or oil fill
tube (whicheverapplies) to prevent dirt
from falling into the crankcase.
4. Onengineswith an oil fill tube, remove
the fill capand add oil (if required) until it
reachesthetop ofthe fill tube. Reinstallthe
fill cap.
5. Onengines with a dipstick, remove it
and wipe it clean. Reinsertthe dipstick,
tighten it securely,and removeit. Add oil
asneededto bring the levelupto the FULL
mark.Wipe dipstick cleaneachtime oil
levelis checked. Donot overfill. Tighten
dipstick securely.
B. ToChangetheEngineOil:
Changethe engine oil as instructed inthe
EngineOwner's Manual.
Inspect andcleanor replacethespark plug
after every 100 operating hours or annual-
ly. Referto the EngineOwner'sManualfor
spark plug serviceinstructions.
In some areas,local law requiresusing re-
sistor spark plugsto suppress ignition sig-
nals. If the enginewas originally equipped
with a resistorspark plug, usethe same
type for replacement.
If the engine muffler is equipped with a
spark arresterscreen, removeand cleanit
according to the service intervalsand in-
structions in the EngineOwner'sManual.
If the engine does not respondto various
throttle leversettings, refer to the Engine
Owner'sManualfor serviceinformation or
contact your local authorized engine deal-
WARNING: Operators
shallnottamper with theengine
governorsettings onthe
machine;the governor controls
the maximum safeoperating
speedto protect theengineand
all moving partsfrom damage
causedby overspeed.
Authorizedservice shall be
sought if a problem exists.
Thecarburetor wasadjusted atthe factory
for best operatingspeed. Referto the En-
gine Owner's Manualfor anyadjustment
information or seeyour authorizedengine
Thegovernor controls the maximum safe
operatingspeedand protects the engine
andall moving partsfrom damagecaused
by overspeeding.Donot tamper with the
enginegovernor settings.
Whenthetiller won't be usedfor an ex-
tendedperiod,prepareit for storageasfol-
1. Cleanthetiller and engine.
2. Do routinetiller lubrication and check
for looseparts and hardware.
3. Protectthe engine and perform recom-
mendedengine maintenanceby following
the storage instructions found in the En-
gine Owner's Manual. Besure to protect
the fuel lines, carburetor and fuel tank
from gum deposits byremoving fuel or by
treating fuel with a fuel stabilizer (follow
4. Store unit in aclean, dry area.
5. Neverstore thetiller with fuel in the fuel
tank in an enclosedareawhere gasfumes
could reachan open flame or spark, or
whereignition sourcesare present (space
heaters,hot water heaters,furnaces, etc.).