Troy-Bilt 640C Tiller User Manual

_ WARNING: Useextreme
_--'i_ caution whenreversing or
pulling the machinetowards
,,_- D you. Look behindto avoid
Neverattemptto till in reverse.
Failureto follow this warning
could result in personalinjury
or property damage.
Tooperatethe ReverseClutchControl:
1. Putwheels in WHEELDRIVEposition
(see"WARNING"statementat the left).
2. Stopall tiller motion by releasingthe
Forward Clutch Bail.
WARNING: Beforestarting 3. Lift the handlebar untilthe tines clear
engine,besurethat both the ground, look behind you to avoid any
wheelsare inWHEELDRIVE obstacles,and then pull the control knob
position. SeeWheelsDrivePins (F,Figure3-4) out. Thewheels and tines
for instructions, will rotate in a reversedirection.
Engagingthe Forward Clutch 4. Releasethe control knobto disengage
Bail or ReverseClutch Control (stop) thewheels andtines (theenginewill
(if equipped) whenthewheels continue to run).
arenot in WHEELDRIVEcould
allowthe tinesto rapidly propel
the tiller forward or backward.
Failureto comply could cause
loss of tiller control, property
damage,or personalinjury.
TheForward Clutch Bail(E, Figure3-4)
controls the engagementof forward drive F
to the wheelsand tines. E
Tooperate the ForwardClutchBail:
1. Put wheelsin WHEELDRIVEposition Figure3-4:AIImodelshavea ForwardClutch
(see"WARNING"statementabove). Bail(E).OnlyMode1644Ahavea Reverse
2. Lift and hold the clutch bail (E,Figure3-
4)againstthehandlebartostartthewheels DEPTH REGULATOR LEVER
andtines rotating in a forward direction.
This lever (G,Figure3-5) controls the till-
3. Releasethe clutch bail to disengage ing depthof the tines. Pullthe leverback
(stop) thewheels andtines (theenginewill and slide it up or downto engagethe
continue to run). notched height settings.
REVERSECLUTCHCONTROL The"travel position" (highestnotch) raises
(Model 644A only) the tines approximately1-1/2"off the
ground, allowingthe tiller to be moved
TheReverseClutch Control (F,Figure3-4) without the tines contacting the ground.
controls the engagementof reversedrive This setting should also be usedwhen
to the wheelsandtines.The reversing fea- starting the engine.
ture isusedfor maneuveringthe tiller
only-- neverengagethe tines in the Moving the leverupward will increasethe
tilling depth.Thelowest notch allows a till-
ground while operatingin reverse.
ing depthof approximately6", depending
on soil conditions. Forbest results,always
begintilling atavery shallow depth setting
and gradually increasethe tilling depth.
_b ARNING: Donotattempt
to till too deeplytoo quickly.
Graduallywork downto deeper
tilling depths.
Placethe DepthRegulator
Leverin the "travel" position
beforestarting theengine. This
position preventsthetines from
touching the ground untilyou
are readyto begintilling.
Failureto follow this warning
could result in personalinjury
or property damage.
Figure3-5: DepthRegulator Lever(G).
Thehandlebarheight isadjustableto three
different settings (Figure3-6). In general,
adjust the handlebarssothey areat waist
levelwhenthe tines are3"-4"in the soil.
Toadjustthe handlebars:
1. Stopengine,disconnectspark plugwire
from spark plug and allow engineto cool.
2. Removehardware,reposition handle-
bars,and reinstall hardwaresecurely.
Figure3-6: Handlebarheightadjustment.