the starter rope into the rope guide bolt on han -
Attaching Rear Wheels (If Not Al ready At tached)
• Re move the hex flanged nut on the rear axle and
place the rear wheel on the axle.
• For mod els with ball bear ing wheels place the wave
washer be tween the wheel and the lawnmower. See
Fig ure 6.
• Re in sert the flanged nut onto the axle as shown, and
tighten se curely. Re peat on other side.
Assembly of Grass Catcher
NOTE: If your mower's grass catcher is as sem -
bled, pro ceed to the next sec tion. If not, fol low
these steps.
NOTE: Make cer tain the grass bag is turned right
side out be fore as sem bling (warn ing la bel will be
on the out side).
• Place bag over frame (black plas tic side is the bot tom
of bag.) In sert the hooks on the frame through the
holes in the side plas tic chan nels of the bag. See
Fig ure 7.
• Se cure bag to frame by work ing the plas tic chan nels
on bag over frame as shown in Fig ure 7. All of the
plas tic chan nels ex cept cen ter top of bag at tach from
the out side of bag. Cen ter top of bag at ta ches from
the in side of bag.
Attaching Grass Catcher to Mower
CAU TION: Never at tach or re move grass catcher
while the en gine is run ning.
• Lift the rear dis charge door on the mowe r, and place
the grass catcher on the pivot rod. Let go of dis -
charge door so that it rests on the grass catcher.
See Fig ure 8.
NOTE: Make cer tain ca bles are routed to the
out side of the han dle so they are not in the way
when at tach ing the grass catcher.
To Re move the Grass Catcher
• Lift the rear dis charge door on the mower as shown
in Fig ure 8. Lift the grass catcher up and off the pivot
rod. Re lease the rear dis charge door.
WARN ING: Never op er ate the mower un less
the hooks on the grass catcher are seated
on the pivot rod, and the rear dis charge door
rests firmly against the top of the grass
Converting to Side Discharge
If your unit is equipped with a side dis charge de flec -
tor, you can con vert to a side dis charge mower as
fol lows:
• Re move the grass catcher as pre vi ously de scribed.
• On the side of the mower deck, lift the hinged mulch -
ing plug. See Fig ure 9.
Fig ure 5
Cable Tie
Fig ure 7
Hole in
Fig ure 8
Rear Discharge
Fig ure 6
Wave Washer
(Models with
ball bearings
wheels only)