
Form No. 490-2760 © Copyright 1999 The Toro Company • All Rights Reserved • April 1999 LP20M499
The Toro Company Irrigation Division An ISO 9001-Certified Facility
PO Box 489 Riverside, CA 92502 (800) 664-4740 www.toro.com
5' Series with 0° Trajectory
Nozzle Prec. Rate*
Radius Pressure GPM Radius
5-Q 20 0.05 4' 1.21 1.40
30 0.09 5' 1.40 1.61
40 0.12 6' 1.54 1.78
50 0.15 6' 1.62 1.86
5-Q-PC 30-40 0.09 5' 1.40 1.61
40-75 0.10 5' 1.55 1.79
5-T 20 0.07 4' 1.27 1.47
3 30 0.12 5' 1.40 1.61
40 0.16 6' 1.54 1.78
50 0.20 6' 1.62 1.86
5-T-PC 30-40 0.12 5' 1.40 1.61
40-75 0.13 5' 1.55 1.79
5-H 20 0.10 4' 1.21 1.40
2 30 0.19 5' 1.47 1.70
40 0.23 6' 1.47 1.70
50 0.27 6' 1.45 1.68
5-H-PC 30-40 0.18 5' 1.40 1.61
40-75 0.20 5' 1.55 1.79
5-TT 20 0.15 4' 1.36 1.57
3 30 0.25 5' 1.45 1.68
40 0.30 6' 1.44 1.66
50 0.35 6' 1.41 1.63
5-TT-PC 30-40 0.23 5' 1.34 1.54
40-75 0.27 5' 1.57 1.81
5-TQ 20 0.20 4' 1.61 1.86
4 30 0.29 5' 1.50 1.73
40 0.34 6' 1.45 1.68
50 0.40 6' 1.44 1.66
5-TQ-PC 30-40 0.26 5' 1.34 1.55
40-75 0.29 5' 1.50 1.73
5-F 20 0.25 4' 1.51 1.75
30 0.38 5' 1.47 1.70
40 0.45 6' 1.44 1.66
50 0.53 6' 1.43 1.65
5-F-PC 30-40 0.35 5' 1.36 1.57
40-75 0.39 5' 1.51 1.75
12' Series with 23° Trajectory
Nozzle Prec. Rate*
Radius Pressure GPM Radius
12-Q 20 0.40 11' 1.28 1.48
4 30 0.50 12' 1.35 1.55
40 0.60 13' 1.42 1.64
50 0.63 13' 1.44 1.67
12-Q-PC 30-40 0.48 12' 1.29 1.49
40-75 0.53 12' 1.43 1.65
12-T 20 0.57 11' 1.37 1.58
3 30 0.72 12' 1.45 1.68
40 0.87 13' 1.62 1.87
50 0.97 13' 1.67 1.93
12-T-PC 30-40 0.64 12' 1.29 1.49
40-75 0.70 12' 1.41 1.63
12-H 20 0.95 11' 1.52 1.76
2 30 1.09 12' 1.47 1.69
40 1.30 13' 1.49 1.72
50 1.55 14' 1.53 1.77
12-H-PC 30-40 0.96 12' 1.29 1.49
40-75 1.05 12' 1.41 1.63
12-TT 20 1.12 11' 1.35 1.55
3 30 1.45 12' 1.46 1.69
40 1.63 13' 1.52 1.75
50 1.80 13' 1.55 1.79
12-TT-PC 30-40 1.28 12' 1.29 1.49
40-75 1.40 12' 1.41 1.63
12-TQ 20 1.05 11' 1.23 1.42
4 30 1.55 12' 1.39 1.61
40 1.65 13' 1.36 1.58
50 1.80 13' 1.38 1.59
12-TQ-PC 30-40 1.44 12' 1.29 1.49
40-75 1.60 12' 1.44 1.66
12-F 20 1.67 11' 1.34 1.54
30 2.19 12' 1.47 1.70
40 2.35 13' 1.46 1.68
50 2.70 13' 1.55 1.79
12-F-PC 30-40 1.92 12' 1.29 1.49
40-75 2.10 12' 1.41 1.63
10' Series with 12° Trajectory
Nozzle Prec. Rate*
Radius Pressure GPM Radius
10-Q 20 0.30 9' 1.44 1.66
4 30 0.40 10' 1.55 1.79
40 0.50 11' 1.60 1.85
50 0.60 12' 1.62 1.86
10-Q-PC 30-40 0.33 10' 1.28 1.48
40-75 0.37 10' 1.43 1.66
10-T 20 0.42 9' 1.51 1.74
3 30 0.52 10' 1.51 1.75
40 0.65 11' 1.56 1.80
50 0.75 12' 1.51 1.75
10-T-PC 30-40 0.44 10' 1.28 1.48
40-75 0.50 10' 1.45 1.68
10-H 20 0.60 9' 1.44 1.66
2 30 0.71 10' 1.38 1.59
40 0.85 11' 1.36 1.57
50 0.99 12' 1.43 1.65
10-H-PC 30-40 0.66 10' 1.28 1.48
40-75 0.75 10' 1.45 1.68
10-TT 20 0.71 9' 1.27 1.47
3 30 0.97 10' 1.41 1.63
40 1.10 11' 1.45 1.67
50 1.19 11' 1.43 1.65
10-TT-PC 30-40 0.89 10' 1.29 1.49
40-75 1.00 10' 1.45 1.68
10-TQ 20 0.82 9' 1.31 1.51
4 30 1.04 10' 1.34 1.55
40 1.20 11' 1.41 1.62
50 1.35 11' 1.44 1.66
10-TQ-PC 30-40 0.99 10' 1.28 1.48
40-75 1.09 10' 1.41 1.63
10-F 20 1.11 9' 1.49 1.72
30 1.49 10' 1.44 1.67
40 1.61 11' 1.42 1.63
50 1.85 11' 1.48 1.71
10-F-PC 30-40 1.33 10' 1.29 1.49
40-75 1.51 10' 1.46 1.69
Special Patterns
Nozzle Special Patterns Prec.
Radius Pressure GPM Width Length Rate*
4-EST 20 0.38 3' x 12' 2.03
30 0.45 4' x 15' 1.44
40 0.53 5' x 18' 1.13
50 0.60 6' x 20' 0.96
4-EST-PC 30-40 0.43 4' x 15' 1.38
40-75 0.50 4' x 15' 1.61
4-CST 20 0.75 3' x 24' 2.01
30 0.90 4' x 30' 1.44
40 1.04 4' x 30' 1.67
50 1.16 4' x 31' 1.80
4-CST-PC 30-40 0.86 4' x 30' 1.38
40-75 1.00 4' x 30' 1.61
9-SST 20 1.00 9' x 18' 1.19
30 1.20 9' x 18' 1.43
40 1.38 9' x 20' 1.48
50 1.55 10' x 22' 1.36
9-SST-PC 30-40 1.10 9' x 18' 1.31
40-75 1.20 9' x 18' 1.43
4-SST 20 0.65 4' x 24' 1.30
30 0.90 4' x 30' 1.44
40 1.04 4' x 32' 1.56
50 1.16 5' x 33' 1.35
4-SST-PC 30-40 0.88 4' x 30' 1.41
40-75 1.00 4' x 30' 1.61
2-SST 20 0.08 2' x 5' 1.54
30 0.09 2' x 6' 1.44
40 0.10 2' x 7' 1.38
50 0.12 3' x 7' 1.10
2-SST-PC 30-40 0.09 2' x 6' 1.44
40-75 0.10 2' x 6' 1.61
4S-SST 20 0.46 4' x 17' 1.30
30 0.55 4' x 18' 1.47
40 0.63 4' x 19' 1.60
50 0.71 5' x 19' 1.44
4S-SST-PC 30-40 0.50 4' x 18' 1.34
40-75 0.59 4' x 18' 1.58
8' Series with 5° Trajectory
Nozzle Prec. Rate*
Radius Pressure GPM Radius
8-Q 20 0.17 7' 1.34 1.55
30 0.24 8' 1.45 1.68
40 0.26 9' 1.39 1.61
50 0.29 9' 1.39 1.60
8-Q-PC 30-40 0.22 8' 1.33 1.54
40-75 0.25 8' 1.51 1.75
8-T 20 0.23 7' 1.36 1.58
3 30 0.30 8' 1.36 1.57
40 0.36 9' 1.45 1.67
50 0.40 9' 1.44 1.66
8-T-PC 30-40 0.29 8' 1.32 1.52
40-75 0.35 8' 1.59 1.84
8-H 20 0.37 8' 1.27 1.47
2 30 0.50 8' 1.51 1.75
40 0.58 9' 1.56 1.80
50 0.65 9' 1.56 1.80
8-H-PC 30-40 0.44 8' 1.33 1.54
40-75 0.50 8' 1.51 1.75
8-TT 20 0.56 7' 1.66 1.92
3 30 0.70 8' 1.59 1.84
40 0.80 9' 1.61 1.86
50 0.88 9' 1.58 1.82
8-TT-PC 30-40 0.59 8' 1.34 1.55
40-75 0.70 8' 1.59 1.84
8-TQ 20 0.63 7' 1.66 1.92
4 30 0.76 8' 1.53 1.77
40 0.86 9' 1.54 1.78
50 0.93 9' 1.48 1.71
8-TQ-PC 30-40 0.64 8' 1.29 1.49
40-75 0.70 8' 1.41 1.63
8-F 20 0.74 7' 1.46 1.69
30 1.00 8' 1.51 1.75
40 1.16 9' 1.56 1.80
50 1.30 9' 1.56 1.80
8-F-PC 30-40 0.85 8' 1.29 1.49
40-75 1.00 8' 1.51 1.75
15' Series with 27° Trajectory
Nozzle Prec. Rate*
Radius Pressure GPM Radius
15-Q 20 0.68 14' 1.34 1.55
4 30 0.85 15' 1.46 1.69
40 1.04 16' 1.57 1.82
50 1.23 16' 1.86 2.15
15-Q-PC 30-40 0.75 15' 1.29 1.49
40-75 0.81 15' 1.40 1.61
15-T 20 0.95 14' 1.52 1.75
3 30 1.10 15' 1.42 1.64
40 1.30 16' 1.57 1.82
50 1.45 16' 1.75 2.03
15-T-PC 30-40 1.00 15' 1.29 1.49
40-75 1.10 15' 1.42 1.64
15-H 20 1.37 13' 1.55 1.79
2 30 1.65 15' 1.44 1.66
40 2.02 16' 1.53 1.77
50 2.14 16' 1.62 1.87
15-H-PC 30-40 1.50 15' 1.29 1.49
40-75 1.65 15' 1.42 1.64
15-TT 20 1.78 14' 1.38 1.59
3 30 2.20 15' 1.42 1.64
40 2.66 16' 1.51 1.74
50 2.84 16' 1.61 1.86
15-TT-PC 30-40 2.00 15' 1.29 1.49
40-75 2.20 15' 1.42 1.64
15-TQ 20 2.10 13' 1.61 1.85
4 30 2.60 15' 1.49 1.72
40 3.00 16' 1.61 1.86
50 3.40 16' 1.72 1.98
15-TQ-PC 30-40 2.30 15' 1.32 1.53
40-75 2.50 15' 1.44 1.66
15-F 20 2.85 13' 1.63 1.89
30 3.60 15' 1.55 1.79
40 4.20 16' 1.59 1.84
50 4.58 16' 1.73 2.00
15-F-PC 30-40 3.00 15' 1.29 1.49
40-75 3.30 15' 1.42 1.64
570Z MPR Plus Spray Nozzle Performance Chart
Radius shown in feet. * Precipitation rates are for triangular spacing, shown in inches per hour, calculated at 55% of diameter.
Precipitation rates are for square spacing, shown in inches per hour, calculated at 50% of diameter.
All performance specifications are based on the stated working pressure available at the base of the sprinkler head.