Symmetricom 5401 Sprinkler User Manual

PN 8500-0150, Rev. A, May 2005 17
Operating Manual
r - Revision Letter of Firmware.
Response Format:
Enter Start-up Parameters
Command Format:
n - Start-up Index; n (1 to 6) selects which one of 6 elements in the start-up table that will be
gg.g - Dynamic Gain Value; gg.g (0 to 99.9) represents the dynamic gain value that will be
used during start-up for element "n".
tttttt - End Time; tttttt is the end time of element "n" (based on Rubidium lock). The next
element in the start-up table will be used after this time.
Response Format:
Request Start-up Parameters
Command Format:
n - Start-up Index; n (1 to 6) selects which one of 6 elements in the start-up table that will be