2.4.9 Ignition lock (4,5:I)
Ignition lock used for starting/stopping the engine.
There are 3 positions:
1. Stop position – the engine is short-cir-
cuited. The key can be removed.
2. Operating position
3. Start position – the electric start motor
is activated when the key is turned to the
spring-loaded start position. Once the en-
gine has started, let the key return to oper-
ating position 2.
NOTE! If the engine should stop for any reason,
the key cannot be turned directly to position 3
due to a mechanical ignition lock. To start the
engine - turn the key back to position 1 and then
to positions 2 and 3.
2.4.10 Power take-off (4:K) (4WD)
Switch for engaging/disengaging the electromag-
netic power take-off for operating front-mounted
accessories. Two positions:
1. Press the front part of the switch – the
power take-off is engaged. The symbol
will light up.
2. Press the rear part of the switch – the
power take-off is disengaged.
2.4.11 Power take-off (4,5:K)
A lever for engaging and disengaging the power
take-off for operating front-mounted accessories.
Two positions:
1. Lever in forward position – power take-
off disengaged.
2. Lever in backward position - power
take-off engaged.
2.4.12 Hour meter (2:P)
Indicates the number of working hours. Only
works when the engine is running.
2.4.13 Cruise control (4:N) (4WD)
A switch for activating the cruise control. The
cruise control locks the pedal (3:F) in the desired
1. Press down the pedal (3:F) until the de-
sired speed is obtained. Then press the
front part of the switch to activate the
cruise control. The symbol will light up.
2. Disengage the cruise control by releas-
ing it with the pedal (3:B) or pressing the
rear part of the switch.
2.4.14 Cutting height adjustment (4,5:J)
The machine is equipped with a control for using
the cutting deck with electrical cutting height ad-
The switch is used to adjust the cutting
height in continuously variable positions.
The cutting deck is connected to the contact (2:Q).
2.4.15Rear Rake (4:L) (4WD)
The machine is fitted with a control for electrical
adjustment of a rear rake (available as an
The switch is used to raise and lower the
rear rake.
Cables for connecting the rear rake are found at the
rear of the machine, to the left of the upper side of
the bumper. (4WD is prepared for a rear rake,
cables routed).
2.4.16 Sand spreader (4:O)
The machine has been designed for electrical ad-
justment of a sand spreader (accessory).
The switch is used to start and stop the
Cables for connecting the sand spreader are at the
rear of the machine.
2.4.17Clutch release lever
A lever for disengaging the variable transmission.
2WD is equipped with a lever, connected to the
rear axle. See (6:R).
4WD is equipped with two levers, connected to the
rear axle (7:A) and the front axle (7:B).
The disengagement lever must never be
between the outer and inner positions.
This overheats and damages the trans-
The levers enable the machine to be moved by
hand without the help of the engine. Two positions:
1. Lever in the inner position –
transmission engaged for normal
2. Lever in the outer position –
transmission disengaged. The
machine can be moved by hand.
The machine may not be towed over long distances
or at high speeds. The transmission could be dam-
The machine must not be operated with
the forward most lever in the outer po-
sition. Risk of damage and oil leakage in
the front axle.