CS25/28 User Manual ◄ 15
1. Observe all safety precautions.
2. Use both hands. Keep a rm grip.
3. Be alert for kickback. Do not allow the tip of the bar
to touch anything while the chain is in motion.
Figure 3. Crosscutting Logs/Limbs with
Pressure on Bottom
4. Pole chain saws must be hung securely in a vertical
position to prevent dislodgement. Pole chain saws
must not be hung on utility wires or cables and must
not be left in the tree overnight. Pole chain saws
must be hung so the sharp edge is away from the
worker, if possible.
5. Warnings, when necessary, must be given by the
worker in the tree before a limb is dropped. “Tim-
ber” or “heads up” are common terms used for this
6. A separate line should be attached to limbs that can-
not be dropped safely or are too heavy to be con-
trolled by hand. The line should be held by work-
ers on the ground end of the rope. Use of the same
crotch for both the safety rope and the work rope
should be avoided.
7. The safety line or climbing rope must not be used for
any purpose but for climbing.
8. Cut branches must not be left in trees overnight.
1. Observe all safety precautions.
2. Use both hands. Keep a rm grip.
3. Workers performing topping operations should
make sure the trees are able to stand the strain of
a topping procedure. If not, some other means of
lowering the branches should be provided, such as
a tree crane.
4. If large limbs are lowered in sections, the worker in
the tree should be above the limb being lowered.
5. Guidelines, hand lines, or tag lines must be used
when conditions warrant their use.
1. Observe all safety precautions.
2. Use both hands. Keep a rm grip.
3. When it is possible to do so, the tree worker must
work on the side opposite the side on which the limb
is being cut.
4. Branches bent under tension must be considered
If the pole chain saw is to be used during cold weather,
preheat the hydraulic uid at low engine speed. When
using the normally recommended uids, uid should be
at or above 50 °F/10 °C (400 ssu/82 centistokes) before
Damage to the hydraulic system or pole chain saw can
result from use with uid that is too viscous or thick.
Cutting frozen wood causes the cutters to wear, crack
and break at the back rivet hole unless proper precau-
tions are taken. To extend chain life when cutting in cold
• Be sure the automatic oiler is working.
• Keep the chain tensioned and check often.
• Keep the chain properly sharpened. Touch up at
least every hour. Never force a dull chain to cut.
• Clean out the bar groove and keep the oil hole open.
Turn the bar over to equalize wear on the rails.
• Always install a new sprocket with a new chain.