Bleeder/Non-Bleeder Connector
The power washer comes equ(ppea wittl an air hose
connector that is designed for use with air compres-
sore having a pressure rstief valve or a pressure
Some small, limited capacity compressors OlDnot
t_ave a pressure relief valve or a pressure switch.
In this situation, a bleeder type air hose connector
is required. One has been supplied with your power
washer and is located at the end of the 10' chemical
draw hose. It is identical to the non.bleeder con-
hector, except for a tiny hole located on its side.
This hole will relieve excess air pressure,
To ins_a!lthe b_eeder type connector
I. Using a _/_" open end wrench, unscrew the non-
bleeder conneCtOrlocated at the base of tt_e power
washer, (middle fitting).
2. Remove the bleeder connector from the end of the
chemical draw hose.
3. Remove the "O" ring from the non.bleeder con-
nector and install it on the bleeder connector,
The plastic threads in the base of the power
washer can be damaged by cross threading
or over.tightening. Do not overtighten.
4. Screw the bleeder connector into the base of the
power washer, T;ghten gently using a _* open end
5, Slip the non.bleec_erconnector onto the enctof the
chemical draw hose, where it will serve as _ weight.
Water Hose
Connect you garden hose to the Water Connector.
Tighten by hand.
Air Hose
To tighten ot loosen an air hose to this con=
hector you must use two wrenches or you
could damage the plastic threads on the
base of the power washer.
Using a _,_"open end wrench, hold the a_rhose connec-
tor. Connect yourair hose and tighten the-hosewith an
adjustable wrench. Do not overtighten.
Chemical Draw Hose
Never apply air pressure to the Chomlcal
Draw Hose ConneGtor. Doing so could dam-
age the power washer.
Attach the chemical draw hose to the chemical draw
hose connector.Simplyslipthe hoseoverthe connector
with your hand.
Tits chemical draw hose €onnector is
designed for hand application of soft, flex-
ible hoses, Do not use any type of hose
clamp or adhesive.