Engine 1. Low oil level/dirty oil. 1. Check oil level/change oil.
overheats 2. Dirty engine air screen. 2. Clean engine air screen.
3. Dirty engine. 3. Clean cylinder fi ns,
airscreen, muffl er area.
4. Partially plugged muffl er. 4. Remove and clean muffl er.
5. Improper car bu re tor 5. Adjust car bu re tor to richer
adjustment. position.
Excessive 1. Ground too dry and hard. 1. Moisten ground or wait
bounce/diffi cult for more favorable soil
handling conditions.
2. Wheels and depth stake 2. Adjust wheels and depth
incorrectly adjusted. stake.
Soil balls up or 1. Ground too wet. 1. Wait for more fa vor able
clumps soil con di tions.
Engine runs but 1. Tine control is not 1. Engage tine con trol.
tiller won’t move engaged.
2. V-belt not correctly 2. Inspect/adjust V-belt.
3. V-belt is off pulley(s). 3. Inspect V-belt.
Engine runs but 1. Tilling too deep. 1. Set depth stake for shal-
labors when lower till ing.
tilling 2. Throttle control not 2. Check throttle control setting.
properly adjusted.
3. Carburetor out of 3. Make nec es sary adjust-
adjustment. ments.
See ap pro pri ate section in manual un less di rect ed to Sears service center