O-Ring Maintenance
Throughthe normaloperation of yourcleaning
system,the o-ringskeep the connectionsof the hoses
and guntightand leak-free. They may becomeworn
or damagedwith use. Providedwith yourcleaning
system isan o-ring Maintenance Kit containing
replacemento-rings, a rubberwasher and a garden
hose inletscreen.
Partsin the O-Ring Kit Include:
• 1 O-Ring, red, (p/n B2726) for the end ofthe
spray gun connectionbetween gunand high/low
spray wand.
• 2 O-Rings, yellow, (p/n B2264) forthe ends ofthe
highpressure hose.
Note: The above two o-rings are closein size.
Please matchcarefully to assure propero-ring
• 1 rubber washer (p/n B2385) forthe insideofthe
garden hose connector.
• 1 water inletscreen (p/n B2384) forthe garden
hose connector.
• Use a small flathead screwdriverto get
underneaththe o-ring and pp/it off.
Maintenance, replacement or repair of the
emission control devices and systems may be
performed by any non-road engine repair
establishment or individual.
Checking Oil Level
oil level shouldbe chockedpriorto each use orat
least everyeight(8) hoursof operation.Keep oil level
Changing Engine Oil and Oil Rlter
Change oilafterfirsteight(8) hoursofoperation.
Change oil& oilfiltereveryfifty (50) hoursthereafter.
Ifyou are usingyourcleaningsystemunder
extremelydirtyor dustyconditions, or in extremely hot
weather, changeoilmore often.
Change oilwhileengine issUUwaan from nmning,ee
Clean area aroundoil drain plug.
Remove oildrainplug and oilfillplugand drain oil
completely intoa suitable container.
n Rug
• When oilhascompletelydrained,Installoildrain
plugand tighten securely.
• Place a suitablecontainerbeneath the oilfilterand
tumfiltercountemlockwiseto remove.Discard
accordingto localregulations.
• Coat gasketof newfilter with engineoil.turnfilter
clockwiseuntilgasketcontacts tightlywith filter
adapter. Thentightenan additional3/4 turn.
• Fill oilsumpwith recommendedoil. (See =Before
Startingthe Engine"on page 8 for oil
• Installthe oilfill plugand tightensecurely.
• Wipe up any spilledoil.