CAUTION: Before installing remote controls to the RP2100 Digital Heater, read the following:
The Raypak RP 2100 Digital Heater is remote ready in most cases. The digital liquid crystal (LCD) display shows
the actual pool temperature, operating status, and service codes (See examples below). The touch pad on the
control panel allows you to select the desired pool or spa temperature. It also indicates when a remote system is
controlling the heater by displaying REM in the display. When connecting the RP2100 Digital to a remote system,
identify whether it is a two or three wire remote system. Select the appropriate instruction listed below to properly
install the remote to the heater.
Important Installation Notes for Remote or external wiring configuration
• Remote wiring must be run in separate conduit.
• Remote wiring must not be run parallel to High Voltage lines.
• For runs of under 30 feet, remote wiring should have stranded conductors with a minimum of 22 AWG, 600V, cable
twisting 1.5 to 2.5 and jacketed.
• For runs over 30 feet, the conductors should be a minimum of 20 AWG, 600V, cable twisting 1.5 to 2.5 inch lay
that is shielded and jacketed.
• Maximum cable length of 200 feet.
• For both Two and Three wire remote systems, the provided P-7 wiring connector must be utilized. Please refer
to the wiring instructions.
Two-Wire Remote Operation:
To remotely select a single operating ON/OFF mode (2 wire/single function) requires two wires to be connected to
the heater. This requires a switching mechanism that can be a 2-way switch or a remote control system with a single
dry contact closure. See remote wiring instructions for Two-Wire One Function.
Three-Wire Remote Systems:
To remotely select either pool or spa operation (3-wire/2-function) requires 3 wires to be connected to the heater. A
switch mechanism that will provide contact closure between HIGH/SPA or LOW/POOL and common, needs to be
supplied. This mechanism can be a 3-way switch or any other remote control system that provides dry contact
closure for either setting. See remote wiring instructions for Three-Wire Two Function.
NOTE: Do Not connect wiring to fireman switch location.
OFF Mode Heating in the POOL
Heating in the SPA
Remote Mode
TEMPERATURE DISPLAY-Fahrenheit vs. Centigrade
The RP2100 digital heaters will display metric (Centigrade) units. The factory default setting is Farenheit. If you
open up the front panel so you are looking at the front of the digital board, you will find two small round buttons, labled
S1 and S2. S1 is labeled "C of F". Hold down the S1 button for several seconds, until the board displays "CCC",
this will set the board to display in Centigrade. Repeating the process will return the board to "FFF" which is