-- 3 --
WARNING: Stop the e ngine before op ening the vacuum inlet d oor . The en gine must
be stopped and t he impeller b lades no l onger turning to a void serious injury from the rotating
blades. Gently tilt the hand le of th e screwdriver toward the back of t he unit t o release the lat ch
while pulling up o n t he vacuum inlet cover with your other hand.
When using the vacuum at tachment, the unit is designed to pick up dry
material s uch as leaves, grass, small twigs, and bits of paper. Do not
vacuum stones, gravel, metal, broken glas s, etc., to avoid severe dam-
age to the impeller.
WARNING: Fire hazard. N ever mix, pour, or store gasoline or
use t he unit near a flame or sparks ( including smoking, open flames, o r
work that can cause sparks).
WARNING: Failure to follow all
Safety Rules and P recautions can r esult in
serious injur y.
S Readyour instructionmanualcarefully until
you completely understand and can follow
allwarningsand safety rules beforeoperat-
ing the unit.
D Restrict unit to users who understand and
will follow all warnings and safety rules in
this manual.
WARNING: Inspect are a bef ore sta rt-
ing unit. Remove all debris and hard objects
such as rocks, gla ss, wire , etc. th a t can rico-
chet, be thrown, or otherwise cause injury or
damage during operation.
Use your unit a s a bl ower for:
D Sweeping debris or grass clippings from
driveways, sidewalks, patios, e tc.
D Blowing grass clippings, straw,or leaves into
piles, around joi nts, o r between bricks.
Use your unit as a vacuum for:
D Picki n g up dr y mat e r i a l such as l e a ve s,
grass, small twigs, and bit s of paper .
D For best results dur ing vacuum use, operate
your unit at h igh speed.
D Move slowly backand forthoverthemate-
rial as y ou vacuum. Avoid forcing theunit
intoapileofdebrisasthis canclogtheunit.
D Keep the vacuum tube abou t an i nch above
the ground for best results.
D Always w ear eye protection when operat-
ing, servicing, or performing maintenance
on unit. Wearing eye protection will help to
preventrocks ordebris frombeing blownor
ricocheting into eyes and face which can
result in blindness and/or serious injury.
Eye protection should be marked Z87.
D Always wear foot protection. Do not go
barefoot or wear sandals.
D Always wear respirator orface mask when
working with unit in dusty environments.
D Secure hair above shoulder length. Secure or
remove jewelry, loose clothing, or clothing
with loosely han ging straps, ties, tassels, etc.
They can b e caught in moving parts.
D Do not operate unit when you are tired, ill, up-
set, o r if you a re under the influence of alco-
hol, drugs, or medication.
D Keep children, bystanders, and anima ls
away from work area a m inim um of 30 feet
(10 meters) when starting oroperatingunit.
Do not point the blower nozzle in the direc-
tion of people or pets.
D Eliminateall sources of sparksor flame(in-
cluding smoking, op en flames, or work that
mixed, poured, or stored.
D Mix and pour fuel in anoutdoor area; store
fuel ina cool, dry ,wellventilated place; use
an approved, m arked container for all fuel
D Do not smoke while handling fuel or while
operating the unit.