Poulan 545146905 Blower User Manual

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When using the vacuum attachment, the unit is designed to pick up dry
material such as leaves, grass, small twigs, and bits of paper. Do not
vacuum stones, gravel, metal, broken glass, etc., to avoid severe dam -
age to the impeller.
WARNING: Fire hazard. Never m ix, pour , or store gasoline or
use the unit near a flame or sparks (including smoking, open flames, or
work that can cause sparks).
WARNING: Failure to follow all
Safety Rules and Precautions can result in
serious injury.
S Readyour instruction manual carefully until
you completely understand and can follow
allwarnings andsafety rules befor eoperat-
ing the unit.
D Restrict unit to users who understand a nd
will follow all warnings an d safety rules in
this m anual.
WARNING: Inspect a rea b efore start-
ing unit. Remove all debr is a nd hard objects
such as rocks, gla ss, wire , et c. th a t can rico-
chet, be thrown, or otherwise cause injury or
damage during operation.
Use your unit as a blower for:
D Sweeping debris or grass clippings from
driveways, sidewalks, patios, etc.
D Blowing g rass clippings, straw,or leaves into
piles, around joints, or between bricks.
Use your unit as a vacuum for:
D Picki n g up dry mat e r ial such as le aves,
grass, small twigs, and bits of paper .
D For best results during vacuum use, operate
your unit at high speed.
D Move slowlyback andforth over themate-
rial as you vacuum. Avoid forcing the unit
intoapileofdebrisas this c anclogtheunit.
D Keep the vacuum tube about an inch above
the ground for best results.
D Always wear eye protection when operat-
ing, servicing, or performing maintenance
on unit. Wearing eye protection will help to
preventrocks o rdebris f rombeing blownor
ricocheting into eyes and face which can
result in blindness and/or serious injury.
Eye p rotection should be marked Z87.
D Always wear foot protection. Do not go
barefoot or wear sandals.
D Always wear respirator or face mask wh en
working with unit in dusty environments.
D Secure hair so it is above shoulder length.
Keep loose hair, loose clothing, fingers, and
allother pa rts o fthebodyaway fromopenings
and moving parts. Hair , jewelry, loose cloth-
ing, or clothing with loosely hang ing straps,
ties, tassels, etc., can be caught in m oving
D Do not operate unit whenyou aretired, ill, up-
set, or if you are under the influence of alco-
hol, drugs, or medication.
D Keep children, bystanders, and animals
away from work area a minim umof 30 feet
(10meters) whenstartingor operatingunit.
Do not pointthe blower nozzle inthedirec-
tion of people or pets.
D Eliminate allsources ofsparksor flame(in-
cluding smoking, openflames, orwork that
mixed, pou red, or stored.
D Mix andpour fuelin anoutdoor area; store
fuelin acool, dry,wellventilated place;use
an approved, marked container for all fuel
D Do not smoke while handling fuel or while
operating the un it.
D Make sure the unit is properly assembled
and in good operating condition.
D Do not fill fuel tank while engine is hot or
D Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up fuelspills
before starting engine.
D Move atleast 10 feet(3meters) away from
fuel and fueling site before starting engine.
D Always store gasoline in a container ap-
proved for flammable liquids.
WARNING: Stop the engine before
opening the vacuum inlet door . The engine
must be stopped an d the impeller blades no
longerturning toavoid serious injury fromthe
rotating blades.