MTD 12211 Tiller User Manual

1. Carefully read this
Owners Manual, the sepa-
rate Engine Owners
Manual, and any other literature you may
receive. Be thoroughly familiar with the
controls and the proper use of the tiller
and its engine. Know how to stop the unit
and disengage the controls quickly.
2. Never allow children to operate the
tiller. Never allow adults to operate the
tiller without proper instruction.
3. Keep the area of operation clear of all
persons, particularly children and pets.
4. Keep in mind that the operator or user
is responsible for accidents or hazards
occurring to other people, their property
and themselves.
1. Thoroughly inspect the area where the
tiller is to be used and remove all foreign
2. Be sure all controls are released and
the Wheel Gear Lever is in ENGAGE
before starting the engine.
3. Do not operate the tiller without
wearing adequate outer garments. Avoid
loose garments or jewelry that could get
caught in moving parts.
4. Do not operate the tiller when barefoot
or wearing sandals, sneakers, or light
footwear. Wear protective footwear that will
improve footing on slippery surfaces.
5. Do not till near underground electric
cables, telephone lines, pipes or hoses. If in
doubt, contact your telephone or utility
6. Warning: Handle fuel with care; it is
highly flammable and its vapors are explo-
sive. Take the following precautions:
a. Store fuel in containers specifically
designed for this purpose.
b. The gas cap shall never be removed
or fuel added while the engine is
running. Allow the engine to cool
for several minutes before adding
c. Keep matches, cigarettes, cigars,
pipes, open flames, and sparks
away from the fuel tank and fuel
d. Fill fuel tank outdoors with extreme
care. Never fill fuel tank indoors.
Use a funnel or spout to prevent
e. Replace all fuel tank and container
caps securely.
f. If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to
start the engine, but move the
machine away from the area of
spillage and avoid creating any
source of ignition until fuel vapors
have dissipated.
7. Never make adjustments when engine
is running (unless recommended by
1. Do not put hands or feet near or under
rotating parts.
2. Exercise extreme caution when on or
crossing gravel drives, walks, or roads.
Stay alert for hidden hazards or traffic. Do
not carry passengers.
3. After striking a foreign object, stop the
engine (and remove the ignition key on
electric start models), disconnect the
spark plug wire and prevent it from
touching the spark plug, carefully inspect
the tiller for any damage, and repair the
damage before restarting and operating
the tiller.
4. Exercise caution to avoid slipping or
5. If the unit should start to vibrate abnor-
mally, stop the engine (and remove the
ignition key on electric start models). Dis-
connect the spark plug wire and prevent it
from touching the spark plug, and check
immediately for the cause. Vibration is
generally a warning of trouble.
6. Stop the engine (and remove the igni-
tion key on electric start models), discon-
nect the spark plug wire and prevent it
from touching the spark plug whenever
you leave the operating position, before
unclogging the tines, or when making any
repairs, adjustments or inspections.
Under California law, and under the laws of several other states, you are not permitted to operate an
internal combustion engine using hydrocarbon fuels on any forest, brush, hay, grain, or grass
covered land; or land covered by any flammable agricultural crop without an engine spark arrester in
continuous effective working order.
The engine on the unit is an internal combustion engine which burns gasoline, a hydrocarbon fuel, and must be equipped with a
spark arrester muffler in continuous effective working order. The spark arrester must be attached to the engine exhaust system in
such a manner that flames or heat from the system will not ignite flammable material. Failure of the owner/operator of the unit to
comply with this regulation is a misdemeanor under California law (and other states) and may also be a violation of other state
and/or federal regulations, laws, ordinances or codes. Contact your local fire marshal or forest service for specific information
about which regulations apply in your area.