MTD 12211 Tiller User Manual

The Reverse Clutch Control (C, Figure 3-
1) controls the engagement of reverse
drive to the wheels and tines. The revers-
ing feature is used for maneuvering the
tiller only never engage the tines in
the ground while going in the reverse
To Operate the Reverse Clutch Control:
1. Put the Wheel Gear Lever in the
ENGAGE position (see the WARNING
statement on previous page).
2. Stop all tiller motion by releasing the
Forward Clutch Control levers.
3. Lift up the handlebars until the tines
clear the ground, look behind you to avoid
any obstacles, and then pull the Reverse
Clutch Control knob out. The tines and
wheels will rotate in a reverse direction.
4. Release the Reverse Clutch Control
knob to disengage (stop) the wheels and
tines. All reverse motion will stop (the
engine will continue to run).
This lever (D, Figure 3-2) controls the
tilling depth of the tines. Pull the lever
straight back and slide it up or down to
engage the notched height settings.
The highest notch (lever all the way
down) raises the tines approximately
1-1/2 inches off the ground. This travel
position allows the tiller to be moved
without the tines digging into the ground.
Moving the lever up increases the tilling
depth. The lowest notch allows a tilling
depth of approximately six to eight
inches, depending on soil conditions.
For best results, always begin tilling at
a very shallow depth setting and gradu-
ally increase the tilling depth. Complete
details on using the Depth Regulator are
found in the Operation Section of this
The handlebar height is adjustable to four
different settings. Set the handlebar
height to a comfortable setting, but keep
in mind that the handlebars will be lower
when the tines are engaged in the soil.
To Adjust the Handlebar Height:
1. Stop the engine, wait for all parts to
stop moving and then disconnect the
spark plug wire. Remove the ignition key
on electric start models.
2. Loosen the two screws at the lower
ends of the handlebar.
3. Loosen the height adjustment screw
(E, Figure 3-3) and pull the keyed washer
(F) free of the slots in the curved height
adjustment bracket.
4. Move the handlebars to the new slot
setting and insert the raised keys on the
keyed washer into the slot. Tighten the
height adjustment screw securely.
5. Retighten the two screws at the ends
of the handlebar.
Figure 3-3: Handlebar height adjustment.
Figure 3-2: Depth Regulator Lever.
Section 3: Features and Controls
Use extreme caution when reversing
or pulling the machine towards you.
Look behind to avoid obstacles.
Never attempt to till in reverse.
Failure to follow this warning could
result in personal injury or property
Do not attempt to till too deeply too
quickly. Gradually work down to
deeper tilling depths.
Place the Depth Regulator Lever in the
travel position before starting the
engine. This position prevents the
tines from touching the ground until
you are ready to begin tilling.
Failure to follow this warning could
result in personal injury or property