Maintenance Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Tasks Recom- Task Required Task Required Task Task
mended Comp. to be done Comp. to be done Comp. Required Comp.
to be done (Date- 3 months/ (Date- Semi- (Date- to be done (Date-
monthly In itials) Break-in Initials) annually Initials) Annually Initials)
10 Hrs. 30 Hrs. 50 Hrs. 100 Hrs.
13. Initiate an automatic start
and transfer of the unit to
site load and exercise it for
at least 1 hour looking for
leaks, loose connections
or components, and
abnormal operating
conditions. Correct as
14. Start and exercise the unit
at full rated load (use a
load bank if the site load is
not enough) for at least 2
hours looking for leaks,
loose connections or
components, and abnormal
operating conditions.
Correct as necessary.
15. Change the engine oil.
16. Replace the engine oil
17. Replace the engine air
18. Replace the engine fuel
filter(s) on diesel engine
driven units and re-prime
the fuel system.
19. Check the engine spark
plugs on gas engine driven
units. Clean and re-gap or
replace as necessary.
20. Perform a 5 minute no-load
operational run of the unit
looking for any post service
21. Return the unit to standby
setup for operation when
Standby Generator Sets
Service Schedule