
Section 5: Operating Instructions
SBL2566, SBL2574, & SBL2584 with S/N 891531+ Snow Blowers 370-478M
Table of Contents
Keep body extremities, loose clothing, and pull strings away
from hydraulically driven chute rotation. Especially keep
away from sprocket teeth that can pinch and crush fingers and
Never operate Snow Blower without good visibility and light.
Use a skid steer or tractor equipped with a cab to keep snow
from being blown by the wind into the operator’s face.
Never pile snow where it obstructs visibility of traffic. Never
pile snow near fire hydrants, mailboxes, water drains, shut-off
valves, electrical boxes, and handicap parking areas.
Never remove snow that has been plowed. Plowed snow
contains foreign particles such as dirt and rocks that can
damage the unit and cause serious bodily injury or death.
Blow only fresh snow with the Snow Blower. Blowing other
materials can damage the unit and cause serious bodily injury
or death.
Do not exceed Snow Blower specifications for maximum
hydraulic pressure rating and gallons per minute rating.
Personal injury and/or machine damage can occur.
IMPORTANT: Never operate Snow Blower with
chute throwing snow toward property such as
vehicles and buildings that can be scratched,
dented, or broken by solid objects hitting them.
IMPORTANT: Do not use Snow Blower as a Box
Scraper or to blow other materials. Doing so can
break the auger, impeller, and cause structural
damage to the unit.
NOTE: Always check with local codes to know
where snow can be legally piled. Never pile snow on
someone else’s property, streets, or sidewalks.
Safety Steps
Figure 5-1
Mounting & Dismounting Skid Steer
Refer to Figure 5-1:
Use stepping pads, grab-handles, and anti-slip surfaces when
getting on or off the skid steer. Using unapproved surfaces and
handles to mount and dismount can result in a falling hazard
and cause serious injury or death.
Follow all safety precautions when transporting. Not using
safe transporting methods can damage the equipment and
cause death or serious injury.
Always transport with attached equipment low to the
ground to maintain stability of the skid steer or tractor.
Always travel straight up and straight down inclines. Make
turns only on level ground.
Keep equipment away from electrical power lines. Place an
orange warning sign under overhead electrical power lines
indicating type of danger above.
Transporting loads across inclines, over ramps, grades,
bumpy, soft, or slippery surfaces reduces machine stability.
Transporting in these conditions is extremely dangerous.
When traveling on public roads at night or during the day,
use accessory lights and devices for adequate warning to
operators of other vehicles. Comply with all federal, state,
and local laws.
When traveling on roadways, transport in such a way that
faster moving vehicles may pass you safely.
Limit maximum transport speed to 20 mph. Reduce ground
speed when turning and leave enough clearance so Snow
Blower does not contact obstacles such as buildings, trees,
or fences.