When connecting the water inlet to the water
supply mains, local regulations of your water
company must be observed. In some areas
the unit must not be connected directly to the
public drinking water supply. This is to ensure
that there is no feedback of chemicals into the
water supply. Direct connection via a receiver
tank or backflow preventer, for example, is
Dirt in the feed water will damage the unit. To
avoid this risk, we recommend fitting a water
Garden hose must be at least 5/8 inch in ■
Flow rate of water supply must not fall ■
below 2.5 GPM (gallons per minute).
Flow rate can be determined by running the ■
water for one minute into an empty 5-gallon
The water supply temperature must not ■
exceed 104°F/40°C.
Never use the pressure washer to draw in ■
water contaminated with solvents, e.g. paint
thinners, gasoline, oil, etc.
Always prevent debris from being drawn ■
into the unit by using a clean water source.
Use additional water filter.
Do not operate pressure washer without the ■
water turned on.
(Cold Water Only)