Complete Protective Helmet
This consists of a lightweight hard-hat with ear-muffs
and face shield attached. The main advantage is that
everything you need is in one piece of equipment rather
than three. Ear-muffs attached to the hard-hat also help
keep it securely on your head.
The hard-hat is intended to reduce the risk of injuries
from objects that may fall from a tree. Ear-muffs reduce
the risk of hearing impairment from operating noisy
equipment over a prolonged period of time. The face
shield protects the face from small branches and the
eyes from flying dust and chips.
Heavy Duty Gloves
Special gloves are available with the left glove reinforced
to minimize injuries from accidental contact with a
running chain saw.
Protective Pants or Chaps
The material used in modern protective pants consists of
several layers of tough syntetic fabric which reduce the
likelihood of injury in the event of contact with a running
chain saw.
Special work boots with reinforced front and upper sides
are available for loggers. Should you inadvertently hit the
boot with the saw, these protective boots may protect
you from injury.
First Aid Kit
A first aid kit approved by the Red Cross or similar
organization should always be carried in case of injury
in the field.
A kit should contain large dressings for lacerations,
splints and slings for fractures, antiseptic and other
optional items for your safety and convenience, such
as insect repellent or a snake bite kit.
We strongly recommend the use of this safety
equipment by all users at all times.
Because safety records demonstrate a clear decrease
in the rate of injury when safety equipment is used,
most professional logging operations now require their
operators to wear these items. Take advantage of their
experience.Your dealer will gladly assist in finding the
right safety equipment for you.