John Deere 318D Compact Loader User Manual

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Take control your way.
With three different styles of available controls on all ve D-Series models, you decide how the work gets done.
Foot controls are standard. Or opt for hands-only levers, or electrohydraulic (EH) joysticks for steering, forward/
reverse, and boom/bucket functions. EH joysticks provide low-effort ngertip control and smooth machine
response. Add the optional EH Performance Package and you can even customize machine performance for
specic tasks or conditions.
1. Overhead panel conveniently places machine info on the left and control switches
on the right. Easy-to-read LCD monitor provides access to a wealth of machine
info and control, including vital operating conditions and advanced diagnostics.
2. Fatigue-beating joysticks allow you to work more comfortably, precisely, and
productively. Buttons, triggers, and dial control auxiliary hydraulics and ow
rates, two-speed transmission, and bucket oat.
3. Want to make the most of our vertical-lift boom design? Add the self-leveling
option. Combined with parallel-lift throughout the lift path, it’s perfect for a
multitude of material-handling tasks.