4. Getting Started
In order to experience the full GOTO capability of GoToNova technology, it is very
important to set up the mount correctly before observation.
4.1. Level and Align the Mount
4.1.1. Level the Mount.
Leveling is critical for a good GOTO and tracking accuracy.
Level the mount by observing the bubble (shown) on the
base of the mount by adjusting tripod legs. The bubble should be in
the center of the circle. It is also recommended to use additional
levelers (such as a torpedo leveler) to assure precise leveling. Turn
the mount around by pressing ► or ◄ button to make sure it is
always leveled.
4.1.2. Initial Positions
Each time the mount is turned on, the default
position is Park Position. For the A/A operation mode, its
altitude is 90º 00’ 00” and azimuth is 180º 00’ 00”, which
means the “SOUTH” mark is pointing to south and the
telescope is pointing straight up at the zenith. To set the
Park Position, you can:
1. Align the mount to south by turning the mount so that
the South mark facing south. An additional compass is
needed. Unlock the altitude lock (#4) and rotate the
telescope to point straight up at the Zenith. A torpedo
level may help. Make sure the mount is leveled. Retighten the altitude lock. Then turn the
mount power on.
2. Turn the mount power on. Press the SPEED button to select a slew speed (MAX for fast
slew and 1X for fine tuning). Turn the SOUTH mark pointing to south using ► or ◄ button.
An additional compass may be needed. Rotate the telescope point to the zenith using ▲ or
▼ button. A torpedo level may help. Then turn the mount power off and turn it on.
4.2. Setting Up the Mount
A SmartStar Cube-A is equipped with a GPS receiver, which will receive the local time,
longitude and latitude information from a satellite after the link is established. However, manual
input is still needed for time zone and Daylight Saving setting.
A clear sky outside is needed for GPS to communicate well with the satellites.
2) Up
Alt lock (#4)