rized servicing dealer . Take your u nit to the
place of purchase if purchased from a ser-
vicing dealer, or to the nearest authorized
Husqvarna® service dealer.
S Tip contact in some cases may cause a light-
ning fast reverse REACTION, kicking the
guide bar u p and back toward the operator .
S Pinching the saw chain alongthe top ofthe
guide bar may push the guide bar rapidly
back toward the operator .
S Either of these reactions may cause you to
lose control of the saw which could result
in serious injury.Do notrely upon the safe-
ty devices built into your saw.
WARNING: Computed kickback
angle (CKA) listed on your saw and listed in the
CKA table below represents angle of kickback
your bar and chain combinations will have
when tested in accordance w ith CSA (Cana-
dian Standards Association) and ANSI stan-
dards. When purchasing replacement bar and
chain, considerations should be given to the
lower CKA values. Lower CKA values repre-
sent safer angles to the user , h igher values in-
dicate more angle and higher kick energies.
Computed angles represented indicate total
energy and angle associated without activation
of the c hain brake during kickback. Activated
angle represents chain stopping time relative to
activation angle of chain break and resulting
kick angle of saw . In all cases l ower C KA val-
ues represent a safer operating environment
for the user.
The following guide bar and chain combina-
tions meet kickback requirements of CSA
Standards Z62.1, Z62.3, & ANSI B175.1
when used on saws listed in this manual.
Use of bar and chain combinations other
than those listed is not recommended and
may not meet the CKA requirements per
Computed kickback angle (CKA) Table
Type Length CHAIN TYPE
0.050 GA 14″ 91VG---52
0.050 GA 16″ 91VG---56
142 0.050 GA 16″
142 0.050 GA
NOTE: If this saw isto beused forcommer-
cial logging, a chain brake is required and
shall not be removed or otherwise disabled
to comply with Federal OSHA Regulations
for Commercial Logging. Contact your au-
thorized Husqvarna service dealer.
SAFETY NOTI CE: Exposure to vibrations
through prolonged use of gasoline powered
hand tools could cause blood vessel or ner ve
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of
people prone to circulation disorders or
abnormal swellings. Prolonged use in cold
weather has been lin ked to blood vessel
damage in otherwise healthy people. If
symptoms occur such as numbness, pain,
loss of strength, change in skin color or texture,
or loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints,
discontinue the use of this tool and seek
medical attention. An anti-vibration system
does not guarantee the avoidance of these
problems. Users who o perate power tools o n
a continual and regular basis must monitor
closely t heir physical condition and the
condition of th is to ol.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Your saw isequipped
with a temperature limiting muffler and spark
arresting screen which meets the
requirements o f California Codes 4442 and
4443. All U .S. forest land and the states of
California, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New
Jersey, Oregon, and Washington require by
law that many internal c om bustion engines
tobe equ ippedwith aspark arrestingscreen.
If you operate achain saw in astate or locale
where such regulations exist, you are legally
responsible for maintaining the operating
condition of thes e parts. Failure to do so is
a violation of the law. Refer to the SERVICE
section for maintenance of the spark
arresting screen.
Failure to follow all Safety Rules and
Precautions can result in serious injury. If
situations occur whichare notcovered inthis
manual,usecare andgoodjudgement. Ifyou
need assistance, contact your authorized
Husqvarna service dealer.
STANDARDS: This saw is listed by
Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc., in
accordance with:
ANSI B175.1--2000 American National
Standards for Gasoline--Powered Chain
Saws -- Safety Requirements
CSA Z62.1--1995 Chain Saws --
Occupational Health and Safety
CSA Z62.3--1996 C hain Saw Kickback
Occupational Health and Safety