Generac 1019-3 Portable Generator User Manual

Read this owner's manual and safeb/rules before operating your genera_or,
Compare the illustratTons wi_h your genera_or, to familiarize yourself wT_ the Io_ions of various controls and
adjustments. S_¢ethis manual for future reference.
CTrcuit Breakers (AC)
12Volt DC
Choke Lever
30 Amp Locldng
120VoltAC, 30Amp
120VoltAC, 20 Amp
Duplex Recep_cle
rl_Arres_er M_ffler
50 Amp Receptacle
12Volt DC ReceptaCle LJse :his _ceP_€!e W!_h Ch0_ Leve r _ Used whe_ staring a c01d e_gi_e i
bat_e_ Charge cables_ Charge a l2Vo!t b_ery, CirCUit Breake_ (AC)Each receptacle is provided
Am Ou exRete t=ucle_M be wth_ ush_orese_ clrcul_bre_k_r_oprotectd_
i20V°lt AC' 20 P P P i _Y ......... P: .... _ ...... ": 0ver d_d ........ ........... :
.......... gener_r" zga!_S: e!e_r!_ .... :.............
i 20 volt ACi Single ph_e, 60 HZ eiectri_l lighti_gi Epplia_¢e, FUel Tank _ CapaCity OfSeven (7)UiSi gaii0_S.
20VoitAC 30Am Lockin ........... ...................... :........... :
i , [p Ground n_ Fastener _ If reci_fred p!ease consul_ a
usedtosuppyelectrica ower for the epera_Jon of ......... ,...... : " ,. I.... _ ..... :
20VotAC 30Amp, sngle phase bu.z elec_rica_I=g_ti g,....... _avi_ :UrSd ct0_ ........... :...................... :..............
! 20!240 Volt ACi 30 Amp I-ocldng Receptac!e _ ay at _brm_l (_igh)Speeds When the_ is _ i0_d p_Se_ _nd
be used _ suppl_ e!ec_ic_l Power fop _he the engine at idle _I0W)Speeds whe_a 10ad i_ not
20 _ndt0r 240Vo_AC 30Amp S_gle:ph_e 60Hz Lrese_ ....................... :...........
eiec_H_i lighting;appliance, t001Z_d m_;0ri0adsi F
S0 Amp, snge phase,_O Hz e ec_r calloads Run/S_op Switch -- _st be in "Run" posiUon to sta_
m engTneSette Stop tostoparunnmge_g e
Am Cleaner Uses a dry O/pe fTiter:element and lea , !
pre c e_er to EXhauSt muffler 10wets engine
into d_eenginei _oise _d is_Uipped Wi_hZ spzrP.Zrrester