DELTA LTL2000S(Q) Retroreflectometer 26
Fuses, two pieces, are placed at the rear of the instrument. The charging fuse protects the bat-
tery against short circuit and other errors in the charging connector, charger or charging sys-
The battery fuse protects battery and electronics against short circuit and other errors in the
electronic system.
Always replace a blown fuse with one of equal rating. To change a fuse carefully unscrew the
plastic cap fuse holder by using e.g. a coin. Pull out the fuse from the cap and insert the new
one and reassemble
The halogen lamps requires no maintenance. At life end they must be replaced.
It is recommended that replacing is done by trained personal.
Calibration unit
The road marking is simulated by a piece of white ceramics mounted on a aluminium block
with a small grip. Ceramics has very stable optical properties and cleaning is easy because of
the smooth surface.
Figure 9. Calibration units
To make sure that calibration of the retroreflectometer is correct it is important that the ceram-
ics on the calibration unit is clean and undamaged. All ways keep the calibration unit well
If the ceramics is stained, scratched or broken the calibration unit has to be replaced.
In case of dust on the ceramics surface, clean gently with a damp soft cloth if necessary use a
Qd calibration unit
Rl calibration unit