Craftsman 917.25552 Lawn Mower User Manual

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These accessories and attachments were available when the unit was purchased, They are also available at most Sears retail outlets,
catalog and service centers. Most Sears stores can order these items for you when you provide the model number of your tractor.
Sears offers a wide variety of attachments that fit your vehicle Many of these are listed befow with brief explanations of how they
can help you. This list was current at the time of publication; however, it may change in future years - more attachments may be added,
changes may be made in these attachments, or some may no longer be available or fit your model. Contact your nearest Sears
store for the accessories and attachments that are available for your unit,
Most of these attachments do not require additional hitches or conversion kits (those that do are indicated) and are designed for easy
attaching and detaching
PERMANEX BAGGER lets you collect grass clippings and
leaves for a healthier, nearer looking lawn Two Permanex
containers hold 30-gallon plastic bags,
LAWN SWEEPERS let you collect grass clippings and leaves,
LAWN VAOS for powerful collections of heavy grass clippings
and leaves Wand attachment to pick up debris in hard-to-reach
CARTS make hauling easy. Variety of sizes available.
ROLLER for smoother lawn surface, 36-inch wide, I8 inch
diameter water-tight drum holds up to 390 Ibs. of weight. Rounded
edges prevent harm to turf. Adjustable scraper automatically
c_eans drum.
SPREADER/SEEDERS make seeding, fertilizing, and weed kilt-
ing easy. Broadcast spreaders are also useful for granular de-
icers and sand.
CORING AERATOR takes small plugs out of soil to allow mois-
ture and nutrients to reach grass roots. 36-inch swath 24
hardened steel coring tips, 150 Ib capacity weight tray.
AERATOR promotes deep root growth for a healthy lawn Ta*
pered 2.5" steei spikes mounted on 10-in. diameter discs punc-
ture holes in soil at close intervals to let moisture soak in Steel
weight tray for increased penetration,
DETHATCHER loosens soil and flips thatch and matted leaves to
lawn surface for easy pick up. Twenty spring tine teeth. Useful
to prepare bare areas for seeding. Available for front or rear
SPRAYERS use 12-voit DC electric motor that connects to the
tractor battery or other 12-volt source. Includes booms for
automatic spraying when puffing, and hand held wand for spot
spraying Wand has adjustable spray pattern. For applying
herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and liquid fertilizers•
SNOW BLADE for snow removal only 14-inch high, 42-inch
wide blade clears 38 inch path when angled left or right Raises,
lowers with side lever. Adjustable skids; replaceable, reversible
scraper bar (Use with tire chains, wheelweights, or rear drawbar
weight )
SNOW'FHROWER has 40-inch swath. Drum-type auger handles
powdery and wet/heavy snow. Mounts easily with simple pin
arrangement. Discharge chute adjusts from tractor seat 6-inch
diameter spout discharges snow t0 to 50 feet. Lift controlled at
tractor seat. (Use with chains, wheel weights, or rear drawbar
weight )
TIRE CHAINS are heavy duty; closely spaced extra-large cross
links give smooth ride, outstanding traction.
WHEEL WEIGHTS for rear wheels provide needed traction for
snow removal or dozing heavy materials In pairs (30 lbs each )
TRACTOR CAB has heavy duty vinyl fabric over tubular steel
frame, ABS plastic top; clear plastic windshield offers 360 degree
visibility. Hinged metal doors with catch, Keeps operator warm
and dry Remove vinyl and windshields for use as sun protector
in summer
Optional accessories for tractor cab: tinted/tempered solid safety
glass windshtefd with hand operated wiper; 12-voit amber caution
light for mounting on cab top
TRACTOR COVER protects tractor from weather. Made of
Evolution 3 fabric (water-repellent, extremely breathable, light
weight, soft, non-abrasive, pliable in all temperatures, durable,
stain/tear/puncture resistant, will not shrink or stretch)