CaLISQ Co--Jot1
!i NOzzle in !ow pressure mode. !. Pu!! nezz!e backward for high
2. Water inlet is block:ed: ................ 2. cleariniet.
3i Inadequate wal:er sUpp!y. 3. Provide adequate water flowi
_-. Inlet h0se is _:inked or leaking. 4. Straighten inlet hose; patch
Pump has following problems:
failure to produce pressumi 5i C Ogged n et hOSestra neri CheCk:and € ean n e_hOSe
erratic pressUrei chatteringi ioss strainer.
of pressure;!ow water v0!ume; 6. water Supply is over i00_F. 16. ProVide cooler water Supply
High pressure hose is blocked Clear blOck:sin Outlethosei
orleahcsi i
8. Gunieaks.
9i Nozzle is obs_uctedi g. Clean nozzlei
!0; PUmp is fau!ty. ! O. ContaPt Sears se_ico facility
li Detergent Siphoning tube is not 1. Insert detergent siphoning l:ube
.submerged into del:ergent.
2. Chemical filter is clogged. 2. Clean or replace filter/detergent
Detergent fai!s t0 mix with Sprayi Siphoning tU_e•
3i Di_ in-line f!!ter. 3. see i'check in--L!ne Fi!ter"
_. Nozzle is in high pressure 4. Push nozz!e forward for !ow
Engine speed is t0o s!ow Move thrott!e _ntr01 to FAST
,,_,_e _r_, gooo a_ =o_oao If engine Still t'b0gs down'i,
•...,_--.._,.._=_ '_ J jcontactsears se_ico facility
li Dirty air cleaneri
2i outeffueli 2. Fillfuell:an_i
3. Sta!e fuel ................................... 3. Drain gas l:ank:;fi!! with fresh .......
spark plug wire not connected 4. Connect wire _ spark plug.
_0 sparkplug. I
5 Bad spark piUg '5. Repiacasparkpiug
and runs rough, ,
6i water in fueli 6. Drain gas l:ank:;fillWith fresh
7i Excassively rich fuel mixture. 7. Contact Sears service facilityi
8i Infa_e valve stuck open or .8. Contact Sears service facilityi
closed. I
gi Engine has los1:compressioni g. Contact Sears service facility:
Engine shuts down during Out 0f fuel. Fill fuei _ank.
operationi J
Engine lacks power. Di_ air fi!teri Rep!a_ air fi!teri