3lower outlet
Blower Tube/Nozzle
NOTE: Assembly instructions for using
your unit as a blower are explained in
the previous section.
If you have already assembled your
unit for use as a blower, remove the
blower tube/nozzle.
An inlet restrictor is used when using
your unit as a blower. This restrictor is
not used during vacuum use and must
be removed during assembly for vacu-
um use.
NOTE: Be sure to keep the inlet re-
stricter for using your unit as a blower.
1. Ensure unit is stopped and extension
cord is unplugged.
2. Open the inlet cover by inserting the
tip of a screwdriver into the latch
area on the vacuum inlet cover.
Gently tilt handle of screwdriver to-
ward the front of the unit while pull-
ing up on the vacuum inlet cover
with your other hand.
Latch Area
Vacuum inlet Cover
3. Turn the inlet restrictor counterclock-
wise and remove itfrom the unit. Do
not close the inlet door. You will next
attach the vacuum tubes.
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There are 2 vacuum tubes, an upper
and lower tube. The upper tube is cut
straight on both ends and attaches to
the blower unit. The lower tube at-
taches to the upper tube, and has an
angled end that you point toward the
ground during vacuum use.
1. Ensure unit is stopped and exten-
sion cord is unplugged.
2. Locate the arrows on the upper vac-
uum tube and on the vacuum inlet
area of the unit.
Upper Vacuum Tube
3. While holding the inlet cover open,
align the arrows and insert the vac-
uum tube into the opening. Twist the
tube clockwise until it is seated. A
second arrow on the vacuum tube
will align with the arrow on the unit
once the tube is twisted completely
into place.
Align arrows on tube & unit
4. To attach the lower vacuum tube to
the upper vacuum tube, first align
the arrows on the two tubes. Then,
press the two tubes together until
the lower tube is securely seated in
the upper tube (about 3 inches).
Upper Tube
Lower Tube
Slide the opening of the collection bag
over the blower outlet. Pull the velcro
strap tightly through the buckle and se-
cure to the velcro tabs.
NOTE: Make sure the velcro strap is
located on the blower outlet as shown
below. Also, make sure the zipper on
the bag is completely closed.
Velcro Strap _. //
bollection _ ,r-...._
Blower Outlet