Catcher Bag
Chipper Chute
with Support Bracket
20-oz. Bottle
of Engine Oil
Figure I
Spark Plug
IMPORTANT: Thisunitisshippedwithout gasoline
or oil in theengine.After assembly,see
OPERATION sectionofthis manual for properfuel
and engine oilflU-up.
NOTE: Todeterminerightand lefthand sides ofyour
_1-- chipper-shreddervacuum, stand beh=indthe unitwith
theengine farthestaway fromyou.
Your chipper-shreddervacuumhasbeen completely
assembled at the factory,exceptfor the nozzle,the
chipper chute with support bracket and the catcher bag.
These parts are shipped loose in the carton. A pair of
safety glasses and a 20-oz. bottle of engine oil are also
includedin the carton.
Removing From Carton
Cut thecorners of the carton.
Remove all packinginserts.
Remove aUloose parts. See Figure 1.
Push down on handle to lift front of chipper-
shredder vacuum and roll unit out of the carton.
Make certain all parts and literature have been
removed before the carton is discarded.
Loose Parts
(See Figure 1.)
1. Nozzle
2. Chipper ChutewithSupport Bracket
3. Catcher Bag
4. Safety Glasses (Not Shown in Figure 1 )
5. A20-oz. Bottle of Engine Oil
Tools Required
t. 1/2" oradjustablewrenches
2. 7/16"oradjustablewrenches
3. Funnel(Recommended)
4. Pliers ...... ; ,b
Disconnecting Spark Plug
(See Figure2.)
Before proceedingwith assembly ofyournew
chipper-shreddervacuum unit,disconnectthe
sparkplugwire fromthe spark plugon the
engine and moveitaway. This willprevent
accidentalstartingofthe engine in anyway.
Figure 2