Getting the Spa Into Your Yard
Check the Dimensions of Your New Cal Spa
The Cal Spas
specication chart lists your spa’s model and its dimension
as it sits on the delivery cart. During delivery, the spa must remain on the
delivery cart at all times. Compare the dimensions to the width of the gates,
sidewalks, and doorways along the delivery route. It may be necessary for
you to remove a gate or partially remove a fence in order to provide an
unobstructed passageway to the installation location.
Plan the Delivery Route
Consider the following when planning your delivery route:
Check the width of gates, doors and sidewalks to make sure your spa •
will pass through unobstructed. You may have to remove a gate or
part of a fence to allow for adequate width clearance.
Are there low roof eaves, overhanging branches or rain gutters that •
could be an obstruction to overhead clearance?
8’ spas need at least 42” wide gate and 9’ height clearance.•
If the delivery route will require a 90º turn, check the measurements at •
the turn to ensure the spa will t.