SpA MC 2300
Before garaging the machine:
! Wash it carefully with Diesel fuel, change the engine oil, gear box and milling unit .
! Empty the fuel tank and wash or change the air-filter.
! Oil and lubricate ever y joints and mechanism.
! Change or repair eventual damaged parts.
! Park the machine i n a dr y room, putting its wheels on wooden boards or, even better, lifted from the ground.
Eventual troubles which can be sol ved by the operator ( wor ker) :
The engine doesn’t start; c ontr ol that:
! Fuel in the tank reac hes half of the tank itself .
! The fuel c ock is open.
! The starter must be engaged if the engine is cold.
! Fuel arrives to the carburettor.
! The vent c ap on the tank is not clogged.
! The car burettor cas tings are open; other wise clean them with compress ed air.
! The ignition spark works: to test this, unscrew the spark plug, reconnect it to the electric cable, lean the metallic part of the spar k pl ug to
mass ( wor king cylinder) and turn the engine pulley as for the starti ng . If the ignition spar k does not spar k among the electrodes, control
the joints of the elec tric cable. Other wise change the spark pl ug with another one . If even this attempt fails, the br eakdown has to be
attributed to the lighting set (poi nts, capacitor, coils etc.). In this case we suggest to appl y to the neares t ser vice rel ating the engine
mounted on the machi ne.
! Regulate the clutch by unscrewing the register screw (Ref. “B” Picture 6) till you obtain a good clutch disengagement.
! Pay attention: do not elimi nate totall y the freeplay.
! The clutc h wire must not be completely engaged.
! Make a good r unning in period to the engine and the machine (for at l east 10 hours do not get over 70 % of the engine c apacity ).
! Always use the clutch before oper ating any levers.
! Do not leave the cl utch disengaged for a l ong time.
! Never force the speed sel ector levers and PTO, if they do not engage l eave gradually the clutch.
! Keep the steering col umn joint and the handlebar cleaned and oiled.
! Never force the engine; when smoke comes out from the exhausting pipe, it means that the engine is under stress .
! Do not wor k for long periods of ti me at full speed, in particular during war m periods.
! Periodicall y control the tyre pressure ( Atm. 1,3)
! During the mounting of the different tools do not damage the dowels (Ref. ”D” Picture 8) and the splines , control that screws and the
fastening spine of the tools are well locked, especially screws of the mill hoes and the fastening screws of the cutterbar.
! Do not leave the machine under the rain.
! To leave the engine r unning in clos ed rooms; exhaust gases are highly toxic.
! To refuel with the engine running or overheated.
! To accelerate going to reverse; the engine must be at mi nimum speed.
! To make tests, to clean and to r epair tools ( milling cutter, cutterbar, lawn mower etc.) with the engine running.
! To touch the just switched off engine (some parts may burn).
! To move with the cutter bar without protection.
! To exec ute the operations of trans port, mai ntenance, r epair and lubrication with the engine not switc hed off and without all the
protecti ons mounted.
! On means of transport the mac hine must be well fastened with proper locking.
! The cutter protec tions must be adj usted accordi ng to the depth of the work , so that the part of the tool which cuts the ground remains
uncovered; never make hoeing oper ations without the bac k hood panel on the machine.
! Keep al ways efficient the safety disposals ( above all the automatic engine stop ) and the protections of the rotating elements.
! Befor e starti ng to wor k make sur e there are not persons or obstacles in the machine range of action inferior to 5 meters.
! Wear proper shoes and clothes, do not wear large or fluttering clothes (scarf or foulard).
! Never wor k in slopi ng grounds without havi ng assured the machi ne stability. Attention! Do not work in grounds with a more than 50 %
! Keep the fuel i n proper tanks .