See ‘Tools-Electric’
– Yellow Pages –
for Service & Sales
Imported by
Black & Decker (U.S.) Inc.,
701 E. Joppa Rd.
Towson, MD 21286 U.S.A.
Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
• Slowrunning,noisyorhotblades. •Dry,corrodedblades. •Lubricateblades.
•Bladesorbladesupportbent. •Straightenbladeorbladesupport.
•Bentordamagedteeth. •Straightenteeth.
•Loosebladebolts. •Tightenbladebolts.
•Unitwillnotstart. •Batterynotinstalledproperly. •Checkbatteryinstallation.
•Batterynotcharged. •Checkbatterychargingrequirements.
•Lockoffnotfullyoperated. •Checkthatlockoffisfullypulledback
prior to moving main trigger.
•Batterywon’tcharge. •Batterynotinsertedintocharger. •InsertbatteryintochargeruntilgreenLEDappears.
Charge up to 8 hours if battery totally drained.
•Chargernotpluggedin. •Plugchargerintoaworkingoutlet.Referto
“Important Charging Notes” for more details.
lamp or other appliance.
light switch which turns power off when you turn
out the lights.
•Surroundingairtemperaturetoohot •Movechargerandtooltoasurroundingair
or too cold. temperature of above 40 degree F (4.5°C) or
below 105 degree F (+40.5°C).
For assistance, visit our website www.blackanddecker.com for the location of the service center nearest you or call the BLACK &
DECKER help line at 1-800-544-6986.