• Power Up Default: Determines how this plug will react when the Default
command (/D) is invoked, or after power to the unit has been interrupted and
then restored. After the default command is invoked, or power is restored,
the Outlet Managed PDU will automatically switch each plug On or Off as
specied by the Power-Up Default. (Default = On).
• If you have accessed command mode using an account that
permits Administrator or SuperUser level commands, then the
Default command will be applied to all switched plugs.
• If you have accessed command mode via an User Level account,
then the Default command will only be applied to plugs allowed
by your account.
• Boot Priority: The Boot Priority parameter determines the order in which
plugs will be switched On. The Plug that has been assigned a Boot Priority of
"1" will always be switched on rst, followed by the plug that has been assigned
the Boot Priority of "2", and so forth. For more information on the Boot
Priority parameter, please refer to Section 5.7.1. (Default = All plugs prioritized
according to Plug Number.)
5.7.1. The Boot Priority Parameter
Normally, when an "On" or "Reboot" command is invoked, the Outlet Managed PDU
will switch on its plugs in their default, numeric order. Although in many cases,
the default, numeric order will work ne, there are other cases where an individual
device (such as a router) must be switched on rst, in order to support a second
device that will be switched on later.
The Boot Priority Parameter simplies the process of setting the order in which
plugs are switched On, by assigning a priority number to each plug, rather than
by requiring the user to make certain that devices are always connected to the
Outlet Managed PDU in a set order. Likewise, when new devices are added to
your equipment rack, the Boot Priority Parameter eliminates the need to unplug all
existing devices and then rearrange the plugs connected to the Outlet Managed PDU
(and re-dene plug parameters) to ensure that they are switched on in the
desired order.