GB - 24
Adjust the Attachment Clutch Cable
Spring Extension
1. Check the attachment clutch cable
spring extension.
Measure the length of the attachment
clutch cable spring with the clutch lever
Then measure the attachment clutch
spring with the clutch lever engaged.
See Figure 27. The spring should be 1/2
– 9/16 in. (12.7 – 14.3 mm) longer when
the clutch lever is engaged.
• If spring extension is within the
specified range, go to Check
Attachment Brake (Figure 28) on
page 24.
• If spring extension is outside of
specified range, go to step 2.
2. Adjust cable length (See Figure 27).
a. Loosen jam nut on cable.
b. To increase spring extension,
adjust barrel down the cable and
tighten jam nut.
c. To decrease spring extension,
adjust barrel up the cable and
tighten jam nut.
Check Attachment Brake (Figure 28)
1. With the clutch lever disengaged, brake
pad must contact attachment belt. With
clutch lever engaged, brake pad must be
more than 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) from belt. If
there is more than 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) gap,
go to Check Belt Finger Clearance
(Figure 29) on page 25. If there is less
than 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) gap, go to Step 2.
2. If there is less than 1/16 in. (1.6 mm)
gap between brake pad and belt, follow
these steps:
a. To increase brake pad gap,
loosen idler adjustment nut, and
move idler away from belt.
Position idler to achieve a 1/16 in.
(1.6 mm) minimum brake pad gap
and a 1/2 – 7/8 in. (12.7 –
22.2 mm) gap between the
plastic roller and the frame.
b. Check the clutch cable spring
extension and adjust as
necessary to achieve a 1/2 –
9/16 in. (12.7 – 14.3 mm) spring
c. If the cable needed adjustment,
recheck gaps described in step 1.
Repeat steps as necessary until
brake clearance, roller gap and
spring extension are within
specified ranges.
IMPORTANT: If adjustments cannot be
brought into specified ranges see your dealer
for repairs.
Figure 26
Roller should be 1/2 – 7/8 in. (12.7 –
22.2 mm) from the frame when the
attachment clutch is engaged.
Figure 27
1/2 – 9/16 in.
(12.7 – 14.3 mm)
Figure 28
Minimum of 1/16 in. (1.6 mm)
1. Brake Arm and Pad
2. Attachment Pulley