What Else You Can Do
Fast rise times, low jitter
and full parameter flexibility
PRBS from 2 -1 to 2 -1
Full signal manipulation
Predefined Levels
When timing is critical, the 81133/34A’s
fast rise times, the low jitter and full parameter
flexibility make it an ideal pulse,
clock and data source.
You can evaluate the performance of a device
in eye diagram measurements with PRBS
from 2 -1 to 2 -1.
You can add jitter to clock or data signals
with the and deform the
eye with the
Delay Control Input
Variable Crossover Point.
You can use the predefined levels
to easily set up channels for commonly
used logic families. These are:
The Agilent 81133A and 81134A Pulse/Pattern Generators are high-end,
easy-to-use tools for generating pulses, patterns and data at speeds
up to 3.35 MHz. They are ideal instruments for testing logic devices
(for example, ECL, LVPECL, LVDS) and other digital devices with
clock rates from 15 MHz to 3.35 GHz.
You can use the Pulse/Pattern Generators for applications where timing and
performance are critical and full control over signal jitter is required.
The instruments are ideal data and pattern sources for eye diagram
Your advantages are
Data can be 8 kB of pattern memory
You can create large data patterns
with 8 kB of pattern memory.
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