Making Measurements
To use the XY horizontal mode
6 Move the Y1 and Y2 cursors to the intersection of the signal and the Y
Again, note the ∆Y value.
Cursors set to center of signal
7 Calculate the phase difference using the formula below.
θ = sin
θ = 32.68 degrees of phase shift=
XY Display Mode Operating Hint (Z-axis input on 54620-series only)
When you select the XY display mode, the time base is turned off. Channel 1 is the
X-axis input, channel 2 is the Y-axis input, and the External trigger is the Z-axis input.
If you only want to see portions of the Y versus X display, use the Z-axis input. Z-axis
turns the trace on and off (analog oscilloscopes called this Z-axis blanking because
it turned the beam on and off). When Z is low (<1.4 V), Y versus X is displayed; when
Z is high (>1.4 V), the trace is turned off.