Triggering the Oscilloscope
To use SPI triggering
3 Press the slope softkey ( ) to select rising edge or falling edge for
the selected Clock source.
This determines which clock edge the oscilloscope will use to latch the serial
data. When you press the slope softkey, the graphic shown on the display
changes to show the current state of the clock signal.
4Press the Data softkey or turn the Entry knob to select the channel that
is connected to the SPI serial data line. The
DATA label for the source
channel is automatically set.
As you press the Data softkey (or rotate the Entry knob on mixed-signal
oscilloscopes), the DATA label for the source channel is automatically set and
the channel you select is shown in the upper-right corner of the display next to
Adjust the trigger level for the selected analog channel by turning the Trigger
Level knob. Select Threshold in the D7 Thru D0 or D15 Thru D8 menu to set the
level for digital channels. The value of the trigger level or digital threshold is
displayed in the upper-right corner of the display.
Graphic showing
current state of SPI
trigger clock slope and
chip select polarity or
timeout selection
Labels automatically
set for clock, data,
and chip select