
Chapter 42 Command Examples
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
42.3.1 Log Messages
The following table lists and describes the system log messages.
<type> This identifies what kind of log it is. "INFO" identifies an information log. "WARN"
identifies a warning log.
<log message> This is the log’s detailed information (see Table 90 on page 278)
Table 89 Log Format (continued)
Table 90 Log Messages
ADSL <port> Link
Up(SN=<seq no>): <ds
rate>/<us rate>!
ADSL Link Info: NM:<ds
NM>/<us NM>!
INFO An ADSL port established a connection.
<port> - port number
<seq no> - sequence number of the connection
<ds rate> - downstream rate
<us rate> - upstream rate
<us NM> - upstream noise margin
<ds NM> - downstream noise margin
ADSL <port> Link
Down(SN=<seq no>)!
WARN An ADSL port lost its connection.
<port> - port number
<seq no> - sequence number of the connection
ADSL <port> Link Loss
of Power Dying-Gasp
WARN The subscriber device connected to an ADSL port experienced a loss of
power (Dying-Gasp).
<port> - port number
Change time server to
INFO The time server setting was changed to none.
Change time server to
TIME. IP:<ip>
Timezone: <time zone>.
INFO The time server protocol setting was changed to TIME. The time server’s IP
address and time zone are displayed.
Change time server to
INFO The time server protocol setting was changed to DAYTIME. The time
server’s IP address and time zone are displayed.
Change time server to
NTP. IP: <ip>
Timezone: <time zone>
INFO The time server protocol setting was changed to NTP. The time server’s IP
address and time zone are displayed.
Ether <port> Link
WARN An Ethernet link is down.
<port> - 1 is ENET1, 2 is ENET2
SN - an internal sequencer number
Ether N Link Up(SN=N):
INFO An Ethernet link is up.
<port> - 1 is ENET1, 2 is ENET2
SN - an internal sequencer number
<speed> - Ethernet connection speed, for example 1000M or 100M
Incorrect Password! WARN Someone attempted to use the wrong password to start a console, telnet or
FTP session (see the <process> field for the type of session).
Session Begin! INFO A console, telnet or FTP session has begun (see the <process> field for the
type of session).
Session End! INFO A console telnet or FTP session has terminated (see the <process> field for
the type of session).