● Many accidents involve inexperi-
enced operators. In fact, many op-
erators who have been involved in
accidents do not even have a cur-
rent motorcycle license.
• Make sure that you are qualified
and that you only lend your mo-
torcycle to other qualified opera-
• Know your skills and limits.
Staying within your limits may
help you to avoid an accident.
• We recommend that you prac-
tice riding your motorcycle
where there is no traffic until you
have become thoroughly famil-
iar with the motorcycle and all of
its controls.
● Many accidents have been caused
by error of the motorcycle opera-
tor. A typical error made by the op-
erator is veering wide on a turn
due to excessive speed or under-
cornering (insufficient lean angle
for the speed).
• Always obey the speed limit and
never travel faster than warrant-
ed by road and traffic conditions.
• Always signal before turning or
changing lanes. Make sure that
other motorists can see you.
● The posture of the operator and
passenger is important for proper
• The operator should keep both
hands on the handlebar and
both feet on the operator foot-
rests during operation to main-
tain control of the motorcycle.
• The passenger should always
hold onto the operator, the seat
strap or grab bar, if equipped,
with both hands and keep both
feet on the passenger footrests.
Never carry a passenger unless
he or she can firmly place both
feet on the passenger footrests.
● Never ride under the influence of
alcohol or other drugs.
Protective Apparel
The majority of fatalities from motorcy-
cle accidents are the result of head in-
juries. The use of a safety helmet is the
single most critical factor in the preven-
tion or reduction of head injuries.
● Always wear an approved helmet.
● Wear a face shield or goggles.
Wind in your unprotected eyes
could contribute to an impairment
of vision that could delay seeing a
● The use of a jacket, heavy boots,
trousers, gloves, etc., is effective in
preventing or reducing abrasions
or lacerations.
● Never wear loose-fitting clothes,
otherwise they could catch on the
control levers, footrests, or wheels
and cause injury or an accident.
● Always wear protective clothing
that covers your legs, ankles, and
feet. The engine or exhaust sys-
tem become very hot during or af-
ter operation and can cause burns.
● A passenger should also observe
the above precautions.
Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
All engine exhaust contains carbon
monoxide, a deadly gas. Breathing car-
bon monoxide can cause headaches,
dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, confu-
sion, and eventually death.
U23P11E0.book Page 2 Tuesday, August 7, 2012 4:57 PM