Chapter 4 Troubleshooting
1. Items to confirm before starting up CC-Link system ............ 4-1
2. Meanings of LEDs on CC-Link compatible module............... 4-2
3. Troubleshooting ................................................................... 4-3
3.1 Robot controller front panel LED confirmation ............. 4-3
3.2 Programming unit error display confirmation ............... 4-4
3.3 CC-Link compatible module LED confirmation ............ 4-5
3.4 Confirmation from master station PLC .......................... 4-6
4. Error messages relating to CC-Link ...................................... 4-7
Chapter 5 Specifications
1. Profile .................................................................................. 5-1
2. Details of remote input/output signals ................................. 5-3
3. Dedicated input/output signal timing chart ......................... 5-6
3.1 Initial data process for CC-Link connection .................. 5-6
3.2 Servo ON and emergency stop ..................................... 5-7
3.3 AUTO mode changeover, program reset and
program execution ....................................................... 5-8
3.4 Stopping with program interlock .................................. 5-9
4. Sample program ................................................................. 5-10
5. CC-Link compatible module specifications ........................ 5-17
Chapter 6 Appendix
1. Term definition..................................................................... 6-1