MIDI Data Format
11110000 F0H = Exclusive status
01111111 7FH = Universal Real Time
01111111 7FH = ID of target device
00000100 04H = Sub-ID #1=Device Control
00000001 01H = Sub-ID #2=Master Volume
*0sssssss SSH = Volume LSB
0ttttttt TTH = Volume MSB
11110111 F7H = End of Exclusive
11110000 F0H = Exclusive status
01111111 7FH = Universal Real Time
0xxxnnnn XNH = N:device Number, X:don’t
00000100 04H = Sub-ID #1=Device Control
00000001 01H = Sub-ID #2=Master Volume
0sssssss SSH = Volume LSB
0ttttttt TTH = Volume MSB
11110111 F7H = End of Exclusive
When this is received, the Volume MSB will be reflected by
the System parameter MASTER VOLUME.
* The binary expression 0sssssss is expressed in hexadecimal as
The same applies elsewhere.
2.1.2 Universal non-realtime messages General MIDI System On
This system exclusive message causes the MU15 to function
as a tone generator that is compatible with GM System Level 1.
11110000 F0H = Exclusive status
01111110 7EH = Universal Non-Real Time
01111111 7FH = ID of target device
00001001 09H = Sub-ID #1=General MIDI
00000001 01H =
Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On
11110111 F7H = End of Exclusive
11110000 F0H = Exclusive status
01111110 7EH = Universal Non-Real Time
0xxxnnnn XNH = N:Device Number, X:don’t
00001001 09H = Sub-ID #1=General MIDI
00000001 01H =
Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On
11110111 F7H = End of Exclusive
When this message is received, the SOUND MODULE
MODE is set to XG,
and all data except for MIDI Master Tuning will be restored to
the default value.
Since approximately 50[ms] is required in order to process
this message,
be sure to allow an appropriate interval before sending the
next message. Identity Request
11110000 F0H = Exclusive status
01111110 7EH =
Universal Non-Real Time
0mmmmmmm MMH = Device Number
00000110 06H = Sub-ID #1=General
00000001 01H = Sub-ID #2=Identity
11110111 F7H = End of Exclusive
When this message is received, this device will transmit an
Identity Reply message as described in the following section Identity Reply
11110000 F0H = Exclusive status
01111110 7EH =
Universal Non-Real Time
0mmmmmmm MMH = Device Number
00000110 06H = Sub-ID #1=General
00000010 02H = Sub-ID #2=Identity Reply
01000011 43H = YAMAHA ID
00000000 00H = Device Family Code LSB
MU15 ID #1
01000001 41H = Device Family Code MSB
MU15 ID #2
01010001 51H = Device Number Code LSB
MU15 ID #3
00000011 03H = Device Number Code MSB
MU15 ID #4
00000000 00H
00000000 00H
00000000 00H
00000001 01H = Tone Generator Code=XG
11110111 F7H = End of Exclusive
This device will transmit this message when it receives the
Identity Request message of
2.1.3 XG parameter change
This message sets XG-related parameters. Each message can
set a single parameter.
The message format is as follows.
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1NH N:device Number
01001100 4CH Model ID
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
0sssssss SSH Data
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
For parameters whose Data Size is 2 or 4, the appropriate
amount of data will be transmitted as indicated by Size.
Changing chorus type to “Flanger1”
First, check the Effect Type List (page 84) to identify
the MSB and LSB numbers; for “Flanger1” Chorus type
numbers are MSB = 43, LSB = 0.
Next, check the Address in Table 1-4 (page 103) for the
CHORUS TYPE parameter; in this case the address is
High,Mid,Low = 02,01,20, respectively.
Apply these to the 2.1.3 XG parameter change list as
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1NH N:device Number*
01001100 4CH XG Model ID
00000010 02H Address High