Front & Rear Panels
6 PRE Switch
Selects whether the pre-fader or the post-fader signal is
fed to the AUX bus. If you set the switch on ( ), the
mixer sends the pre-fader signal (the signal prior to pas-
sage through channel fader B) to the AUX bus, so that
AUX output is not affected by the fader. If you set the
switch off ( ) the mixer sends the post-fader signal to
the AUX bus.
7 EFFECT Controls
Adjusts the level of the signal sent from the channel to
the EFFECT bus. Note that the signal level to the bus is
also affected by the fader. If you are using stereo chan-
nels (CHs 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, or 11/12), the signals from the
L (odd) and R (even) channels are mixed and then sent to
the EFFECT bus.
8 PAN Control (1 to 4)
PAN/BAL Control (5/6 and 7/8)
BAL Control (9/10 and 11/12)
The PAN control determines the positioning of the chan-
nel’s signal on the Group 1 and 2 buses or on the Stereo
L and R buses.
The BAL control knob sets the balance between left and
right channels. Signals into to the L input (odd channel)
feed to the Group 1 bus or to the Stereo L bus; signals
into the R input (even channel) feed to the Group 2 bus
or the Stereo R bus.
On channels where this knob provides both PAN
and BAL controls (5/6 and 7/8), the knob operates
as a PAN control if you are inputting through the
MIC jack or into the L (MONO) input only, and
operates as a BAL control if you are inputting into
both L and R inputs.
9 ST Switch
This switch assigns the channel’s signal to the Stereo L
and R buses. To send the signal to the Stereo bus, set the
switch on by pressing it in ( ). The switch lights up
orange to indicate that it is on.
0 PFL (Pre-Fader Listen) Switch
This switch lets you monitor the channel’s pre-fader sig-
nal. To set the switch on, press it in ( ) so that it lights
up. When the switch is on, the mixer outputs the chan-
nel’s pre-fader signal to the PHONES and C-R OUT
jacks, for monitoring.
A GROUP Switch
Use this switch to assign the channel’s signal to the
Group output. Press the switch in ( ) to output the sig-
nal to the Group 1 and 2 buses.
Allows you to output the signal to the buses
regardless of the setting of the ST switch
B Channel Fader
Adjusts the output level of the signal being input to the
channel. Use these faders to adjust the volume balance
among the various channels.
To reduce noise, set the fader sliders for unused
channels all the way down.