Auto Accompaniment
Looking up Chords in the dictionary
The Dictionary function is essentially a built-in “chord book” that shows you the indi-
vidual notes of chords. It is ideal when you know the name of a certain chord and want
to quickly learn how to play it.
Press the [Dict.] button.
Specify the root of the chord.
Press the key on the keyboard that corresponds to the desired chord root (as
printed on the panel).
Pressing this key selects the root G.
Specify the type of the chord (major, minor, seventh, etc.).
Press the key on the keyboard that corresponds to the desired chord type (as
printed on the panel).
In this example, play M7 keys.
• Usually, a Major chord name is represented by a root note name.
E.g., “C” represents C Major.
• If you press [+]/[–] buttons, another inversion will be indicated.