81 En
Headphone, Dynamic range .................55
HEADPHONE, Low-frequency effect
level .................................................54
Low-frequency effect level ..............54
Headphones ..........................................35
Headphones indicator ..........................22
High quality sound ...............................41
■ I
I) EXTD SUR., Sound menu ...............56
Infrared window, Remote control ........23
INI.VOL., Audio settings ....................55
Initial volume, Audio settings ..............55
Input assignment, Input menu ..............57
Multi-channel input setup ................59
Input channel and speaker indicators ...23
Input channel indicators .......................23
Input channels,
Multi-channel input setup ................59
Input menu, Manual setup ...................49
Input rename, Input menu ....................58
Input source indicators .........................22
Input source information display .........36
iPod connected, iPod controlling status
message ............................................73
iPod control, Status message ...............73
iPod using ............................................45
■ J
Jazz, Sound field program ...................38
■ L
LFE/BASS OUT, Speaker settings ......52
LFE/Bass out, Speaker settings ...........52
Loading..., iPod controlling status
message ............................................73
Low-frequency effect level,
Sound menu .....................................54
LVL ......................................................26
LVL, Auto setup result ........................26
■ M
Manual setup, SET MENU ..................49
MAX VOL., Audio settings .................55
Maximum volume, Audio settings .......55
MD recorder, Connection ....................19
Memory guard, Option menu ...............60
Menu browse mode,
iPod controlling ...............................46
Movie Dramatic,
Sound field program ........................38
Movie Spacious,
Sound field program ........................38
MULTI CH INPUT component
selection ...........................................34
MULTI CH INPUT jacks ....................19
Multi channel input setup,
Input menu .......................................59
Multi-channel source
with headphones ..............................39
Multi-format player connection ...........19
Multi-information display ....................23
MUTE ..................................................35
MUTE indicator ...................................22
MUTE TYPE, Audio settings ..............55
Muting ..................................................35
■ N
Neo:6 Music .........................................39
Night listening mode ............................42
Number of speakers ..............................26
Number of speakers,
Auto setup result ..............................26
■ O
OPTICAL IN (2) ..................................57
OPTICAL IN (2), Input assignment .....57
OPTICAL IN (3), Input assignment .....57
OPTICAL INPUT assignment, Input
assignment ........................................57
Output assignment ...........................57
OPTIMIZER MIC jack, Auto setup .....24
Optimizer microphone .........................24
Optimizer microphone, Auto setup ......24
Optimizing speaker setting ...................24
Option menu, Manual setup .................50
OSD SHIFT, Display settings ..............60
OSD shift, Display settings ..................60
OSD-AMP, Display settings ................60
OSD-SOURCE, Display settings .........60
Other components controlling by remote
control ..............................................64
Other components controlling, Remote
control ..............................................64
■ P
Sound field parameter ......................40
Panorama, Sound field parameter ........40
Parameter initialization,
Option menu .....................................61
PCM indicator ......................................22
PHONES jack .......................................35
Play information display,
iPod controlling ................................46
Play information display,
USB controlling ...............................44
Playing video sources
in the background .............................36
PLII Game ............................................39
PLII Movie ...........................................39
PLII Music ...........................................39
PLIIx Game ..........................................39
PLIIx Movie .........................................39
PLIIx Music .........................................39
Pop/Rock, Sound field program ...........38
Power cable, Connection ......................21
Preset SCENE templates ......................30
PRESET, Advanced setup ....................66
Pro Logic ..............................................39
PVR connection ...................................18
■ R
Remote control codes ........................... iii
Remote control, Troubleshooting ........ 75
REMOTE OUT jacks .......................... 20
Rename, SCENE template ................... 31
Repeat .................................................. 46
Repeat, iPod controlling ...................... 46
Resetting the system ............................ 75
■ S
S VIDEO jacks .................................... 13
SB L/R SP, Speaker settings ............... 52
SCENE IR code setting,
Advanced setup ............................... 66
SCENE IR, Advanced setup ................ 66
SCENE template selection .................. 28
Selection, Audio input jacks ................ 34
MULTI CH INPUT component ...... 34
Selection, SCENE template ................. 28
SET MENU ......................................... 49
Setting remote control codes ............... 65
Setting SCENE template input source,
Remote control ................................ 32
Set-top box connection ........................ 18
Shuffle, iPod controlling ..................... 46
SILENT CINEMA ............................... 39
SILENT CINEMA indicator ............... 23
Simple remote mode,
iPod controlling ............................... 45
SIZE ..................................................... 25
SIZE, Auto setup ................................. 25
SLEEP indicator .................................. 23
Sleep timer ........................................... 37
Sound field programs
with headphones .............................. 39
Sound menu, Manual setup ................. 49
Source feature OSD display time,
Display settings ............................... 60
SP ......................................................... 26
SP A B indicators ................................ 22
SP, Auto setup result ........................... 26
Speaker distance ............................ 25, 26
Speaker distance, Auto setup ............... 25
Speaker distance, Auto setup result ..... 26
Speaker distance, Sound menu ............ 54
Speaker distances, Speaker distance .... 54
Speaker level ....................................... 26
Speaker level adjustment ..................... 41
Speaker level, Auto setup result .......... 26
Speaker level, Sound menu ................. 53
Speaker settings, Sound menu ............. 51
Speaker size ......................................... 25
Speaker size, Auto setup ...................... 25
Speaker wiring ..................................... 25
Speaker wiring, Auto setup ................. 25
Speaker wiring/volume level,
Auto setup ....................................... 25
SPEAKER, Dynamic range ................. 55
Speaker, Dynamic range ...................... 55
Low-frequency effect level ............. 54
Speaker, Low-frequency effect level ... 54
Specifications ...................................... 79
STRAIGHT ......................................... 39
Straight ................................................ 39
01EN_DSP-AX563_B.book Page 81 Friday, February 1, 2008 11:08 AM