
PhaserMatch and PhaserCal 4.0 User Guide
Lookup Table ICC Profiles contain an input lookup table and an output lookup table.
These tables are used to implement color transformations per the ICC
Profile specification for look up tables.
LUT This is an abbreviation for Lookup Table.
Patches See Printed Color Swatches.
PhaserCal Name for the limited version of PhaserMatch (calibration only
PhaserMatch Name for the color matching software.
Phaser Printer Profiles Phaser Printer Profiles are standard ICC profiles that describe the
Phaser 7760, 7750, and 7700 printers. A printer profile is a file describing
to the computer operating system's color management software how the
printer describes the colors it prints.
Printed Color Swatches Refers to the color swatches used to create ICC profiles and calibration
Printer Color Calibration The checking and adjusting of the colors of the printer to standardize the
device to a known condition.
RGB Color Values The numerical color values for the primaries Red, Green, and Blue that
are used by some output devices. These colors are referred to as device
dependent colors. The color values are typically generated Office
applications, such as Microsoft PowerPoint.
Spectrophotometer Color measurement device; no support is provided for a densitometer (a
density meter).
Swatches See Printed Color Swatches.
Target Device Profiles Standard ICC profiles that describe the color capabilities of output devices
such as printing presses or proofing devices. These files are used by
PhaserMatch to create link profiles. While the target device profiles
created by PhaserMatch are readable by any ICC-compatible application
or operating system, they are only intended for use by PhaserMatch.
TekColor Corrections TekColor corrections are the color technology built into Xerox Phaser
printers. TekColor corrections give you the option of selecting from a
number of built-in color matching options, such as SWOP Press,
Euroscale Press, Commercial Press, and Fuji Press, as well as others.
New color corrections can be created with PhaserMatch.