Physical Specifications
Electrical Specifications
Dimensions 151/8 in x 6 3/4 in x 2 3/4 in
385 mm x 172 mm x 70 mm
Weight Truecharge 20+ 6.9 lbs (3.1 kg)
Truecharge 40+ 7.4 lbs (3.3 kg)
AC input connections Three color-coded No. 16 AWG wires
(L, N, G) minimum 6 inches long in a
separate AC wiring enclosure with
provision for connection of a ½ inch
cable clamp or conduit hub
DC output
Four-pole (3 positives and 1 common
negative) terminal strip rated for 60 A
per pole, No 6 - 14 AWG wire
Electrical Specifications
Number of battery bank outputs 3, diode isolated (no independent regulation)
Nominal battery voltage 12 VDC
Normal operating output range 0 – 16 VDC
Rated DC output current (total)
Truecharge 20 +
20 ADC
Truecharge 40 +
40 ADC
Charge modes Switch settings for three-step, two-step, or fixed
Battery type compensation Switch settings for Flooded, Gel, and AGM
Battery temperature
Charge voltage is battery-temperature compensated
manually (switch settings) for Cold (10 °C/ 50 °F),
Warm (10–27 °C/50–80 °F) and
Hot (>27 °C/80 °F) ranges, or automatically with
optional remote battery temperature sensor