975-0170-01-01 3–17
Batt Size
Full name Battery size
Configurable setting This features let you select the size of the battery bank being charged.
You can adjust the Battery Size settings as follows:
When to use Adjust this setting to your actual battery bank size.
Outcome Reduces the maximum charger current to protect against charging smaller
batteries too aggressively. This setting charges batteries appropriately
based on capacity. (See the Battery Information section in the RS3000
Sine Wave Inverter/Charger Installation Guide for more information.)
Clear Faults
Purpose Clear Faults is a command which clears all active faults in the RS3000.
When faults are cleared, the device will resume normal operation. If the
fault condition still exists, the fault will reoccur. See “Fault Types” on
page 4–2 for an explanation of faults.
You can adjust the Clear Faults settings as follows:
Batt Size [440 Ah]
Range of values Increment Default
50 Ah to 2000 Ah 10 Ah 440 Ah
Clear Faults
Value Effect
Yes Faults are cleared
No No action