5–2 975-0127-01-01
Common Problems
Buzz in Audio Equipment
Some inexpensive stereo systems may emit a buzzing noise from their
loudspeakers when operated from the XPower 1000. This occurs because
the power supply in the audio system does not adequately filter the
modified sine wave produced by the inverter. The only solution is to use a
sound system that has a higher quality power supply.
Television Reception
When the XPower 1000 is operating, it can interfere with television
reception on some channels. If interference occurs, try the following:
1. Make sure that the chassis ground screw on the rear of the XPower
1000 is solidly connected to the ground system of your vehicle or
2. Make sure that the television antenna provides an adequate (“snow-
free”) signal, and that you are using good quality cable between the
antenna and the television.
3. Keep the cables between the battery and the XPower 1000 as short as
possible, and twist them together with two to three twists per foot.
(This minimizes radiated interference from the cables.)
4. Move the television as far away from the XPower 1000 as possible.
5. Do not operate high power loads with the XPower 1000 while the
television is on.