
Assembly and Use of
FFoooodd CChhooppppeerr
1. Ensure the motor base is unplugged.
2. Assemble chopper bowl by first placing the
chopping blade onto the blade shaft in the
chopper bowl. Then place food in bowl. For best
results, solid foods should be no larger than 1/4”
or 1/2" cubes.
3. Secure the bowl cover firmly onto the bowl by
turning clockwise.
4. Attach motor base to top of bowl cover by
turning clockwise.
5. Plug into 120-volt 60 Hz AC only outlet.
6. Hold the motor base with one hand and
the bowl with the other. Set speed control
to MAX. Press the ON/OFF switch to
begin chopping.
Use a pulse action when
chopping by pressing and releasing ON/OFF
switch .
7. Do not operate the motor continuously for more
than 15 seconds when using chopper
attachment. Allow it to cool off for 3 minutes
before next use.
8. When you are finished, simply release the
ON/OFF switch, unplug the motor base,
and then unscrew the chopper bowl.
Using the Attachment Blades
To change the metal attachment blade, remove the attachment
already inserted on the shaft of the mixing rod with the tool provided.
Use the side of the tool with the semi-circular slot to remove the
attachment. Place the slot around the shaft, underneath the
attachment, and lift up to remove.
Caution: Blades are sharp. Handle with care.
Suggested Uses
Aerator disc Beat cream, whip egg whi Minimum
puddings, sauces, frostings
and other airy, foamy mixtu
When using, move blending
up and down to draw air in.
a tall, narrow container for
results when foaming milk,
making cream and whipping
egg whites.
Blender disc Mix and stir shakes, drinks, Medium to
omelet batters, sauces and Maximum
emulsions. Use for pancake
batter, gravies and dressings.
Grinder blade Cut, chop, and crush raw or Maximum
cooked meat and hard vege-
tables. Grind cooked meat f
use in recipes such as chick
Multipurpose Chop, crush, and mash ve Medium to
blade tables, and fruit for baby Maximum
food, soups and sauces.
to crush ice (add water to
Beat cream, whip egg whites,
puddings, sauces, frostings
and other airy, foamy
mixtures. When using, move
blending rod up and down to
draw air in. Use a tall, narrow
container for best results when
foaming milk, making cream
and whipping egg whites.
Mix and stir shakes, drinks,
omelet batters, sauces and
emulsions. Use for pancake
batter, gravies and dressings.
Cut, chop, and crush raw or
cooked meat and hard vege-
tables. Grind cooked meat for
use in recipes such as
casseroles or chicken salad.
Chop, crush, and mash vege-
tables, and fruit for baby food,
soups and sauces. Use to
crush ice (add water to cubes
before crushing.)