Frequency response ± .3dBm 20 to 20KHz
± 3dBm 3 to 140KHz
Input impedance 1Meg Ohm balanced
Max. input level +23dBm unbalanced
+28dBm balanced
Output impedance 112 Ohm balanced, ground
Max. output level +22dBm unbalanced
+28dBm balanced
T.H.D. .004% at 1kHz.
<.005% 20-20kHz
Rise time 3uSec
Phase shift .5 degree at unity gain
Intermodulation distortion .007% at unity gain
Signal present threshold -20dBm unbalanced
-l4dBm balanced
LED Clip Threshold +l9dBm unbalanced
+25dBm balanced
Output signal range level -60 to + l8dBm
Added noise of dual +2dBm
channel mode
C.M.R. of inputs 20-20kHz >9OdBm
Range of headphone -60 to +l8dBm
volume control
Isolation between outputs >74dBm
Power Consumption .15 Amps max. A.C.
.15 Amps max. A.C.
AC Dropout Voltage +105 VAC @ l20VAC
+205 VAC @ 230VAC
Internal Mains Fuse .25 Amps Slo-Blo 3AG
Size (Single Space Standard E.I.A. Spec)
19.0” (482.6mm) Width
6.0” (152.4mm) Depth
1.75” (44.45mm) Height
Shipping Weight 8.0 lbs (3.63kg)
Unit Weight 6.5 lbs (2.95kg)